Newy to Wisemans & back, Dirt Run Report

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This topic contains 46 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Ian Carr 13 years, 8 months ago.

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    Dwayne O

    The day was a hoot I think !!!
    Covered some dirt between here & there, some fun, laughs, usual piss taking, found the lookout I was after, had a great counter lunch & a beer too ;)

    AN interesting return leg with people splitting in different directions at different stages (we had come from far & wide)
    Came across heaps of traffic on the way home, oncoming & going our way, so the dust came into play with the lowering sun on visors & goggles,,,, a couple a rogue bikes on the way thru the Wattos (near head ons) :whistle:

    Passed Seb & Co that had gotten their bikes stuck down a ravine somewhere yesterday & had to walk out (thats another story for Seb to tell I reckon) :laugh:

    Nev had an off on the third last corner coming down Mt Falk (loose gravel corner & front washout) :unsure:
    Mates borrowed WR 250 is a tad worse for wear :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
    Nev seems ok, some bark off & a sore knee (I will check on him this evening)

    Thanx to Gav for leading this mornings trail to MT Falk ;)
    Thanx to All that turned up for a CRUISY RIDE (big numbers for a boring ADV RIDE) :P

    No pics from me, but I`m sure there are plenty to come from the other guys


    Mick D

    Good one Eags. Looking forward to more reports and pics as they roll in. How many starters did you get??


    Dwayne O

    Would you believe 15 :)
    All sorts of bikes, all had a ball on the varied terrain,we saw dirt, waterholes, mud, clay, loose marbles & even sand ;)

    Just rang Nev & he is ok,,,, some claret on his knee but the bike needs a workover including new bars :whistle:
    After the start to Nevs weekend, I think his brother will be paying for the repairs (as well a fixing Nev`s drowned WR450R) from Saturday when he borrowed that & took it to Dungog :ohmy: :laugh:



    Dwayne O

    Also forgot to mention,,
    Pressure is “Off” Jeffro,,,, the 690 had been dropped on the rocks (no damage though)

    There was a murphsburg type set of steps up to the lookout apparently & I mistimed the throttle on the second one & ploughed the front wheel into a wedge shaped hole & came to an abrupt stop,,,,
    (Did I mention the 690 had a high seat height, especially when there is a hole under your feet) :whistle: :laugh:



    Good stuff Eagle. Sounds like a good day out. Was it cold and windy?

    15 is a good roll up mate.

    So are you happy with the bike? Everthing you expected?


    Dwayne O

    A tad cool this morning mate, but nowhere near as cold as yesterday for TB & KAT :whistle:

    The 690 is awsome,,, had a ball,,, first full day ride on it for me & it is a handful at times:whistle:
    But :woohoo: How much fun can be had on it ?????????

    Not real confident with the MT21 front in loose gravel (plenty of washout movement) but a twist on the right wrist seems to help real quick :)

    In short,,,,, Loving it mate
    Thanx for asking ,,,,,


    The weekend started on Saturday morning at 7am with a blast up the M2/ M7 then followed the signs to Windsor to meet TB by 8am outside of the pub. I started to get worried half way out there when I noticed that the grass was white. How cute I thought but then the numbing feeling started on my toes, fingers and nose. I didn’t realise but it was -3 degrees. I hope this meets Krusty’s expectation of me being ‘hardcore’.

    TB was comfortably rugged up and standing on the side walk with IPAD in hand. What a techno head…. I took my summer gloves (!!) off to see if my fingers were still attached. I went straight to the coffee shop to order double shot coffee … extra hot. Whilst it was being made I walked up/down crying in pain as the blood come back into the fingers. TB was allot of help …. Suggesting the next reno on the bike is heated grips……oh and you should have a pair of winter gloves…. Thanks TB.

    We headed off up the Putty Road and noticed no other dumb arses where riding bikes at this time of day. Stopped at Colo River servo for a refuel then up the road to hit some firetrails. I just followed the tour leader so I can’t quote where we went but if you were following TB’s spot tracker that’s where we went…. Slowly.

    Some highlights were:

    • Riding over a bridge to only realise once I stopped half way that the white bits weren’t white paint ….. but frost…. Funnily in the shape of where the sun was hitting. My brain definitely wasn’t working …. It was frozen.

    • Realising that there is some benefits being 5f something when it comes to ducking fallen trees over roads…. TB can attest to that.

    • Having a lighter bike to push over fallen trees….. again TB can attest to that…. The XR400 skipped over…. The Tenere needed a blonde push

    • Kat suggesting to TB after he road over a large log that it would have been easier just to move it first….. which I did and the XR got thru without any grunting…. Us girls think outside of the square sometimes.

    • Riding with a blonde girl provides entertainment…. TB will definitely attest to that with a slow turn causing a dirt kissing experience and another one that is too embarrassing to mention but caused me to snort. Since this was the first time I’ve dropped this bike I was interested to see if I could pick it up….. the answer…. The hernia will burst but the bike will eventually stand upright. Thanks TB for you knee of support.

    • Not having a counter lunch at Wollembi Pub but watching TB consume some healthy muesli bars and water under some powerlines wishing for a counter lunch. I think he wished he was riding with Nick as the counter lunch & rum would have hit TB favourite spot!!

    • Enjoying an late afternoon snack of rum/coke and potato chips at Wollembi Pub and feeling the veins pump it to the vital part of the body… the soul!!

    • Hitting Eagles place and hanging in the garage consuming our drinks talking shit followed by an inhalation of pizza and more drinks.

    Sunday morning…. Nice an early… 5am……. Eagle and myself were up and making coffee/toast whilst TB moaned…. and moaned….. and moaned. Something to do with having a hangover I would suspect.

    On the road at 7am to pick up couple of guys close by then off to Freeman’s Waterhole for the others. TB decided to hold my hand doing 80km down a straight stretch and lucky that I was cold and numb and couldn’t feel a thing.

    After Freeman’s we hit a nice interesting section for about 10mins that reminded me how much I hate ruts. Then it was casual ride to Letter A… Fang by tar to the start of the dirt road to St Albans. On our way we stopped in at the Convict Bridge then down to St Albans. We did a loop that eventually got us to Wiseman’s but included a lookout opportunity. Few of us decided to park the bikes on the road whilst majority decided to hit the hill. Eagle decided to truly hit the hill ….. he is no longer a virgin on the bike…. he went down. I so wish I got it on film. TB and Krusty decided to head home for a better offer…. Go figger…… counter meal and rum at Wiseman’s Ferry with OBT mates…… or home with wifey and watching car race….. I don’t understand.

    After lunch we went back over to St Albans and up the dirt road to say our good byes. Some went back to Letter A, Pines then home. I took Dave and his son Lachlan (riding pillion) back via Ourimbah State Forest. We parted ways then fang home via F3 to home.

    If I was to describe the weekend in couple of words…….

    Great riding, awesome friends, out of comfort zone, felt safe, lots of snorting/laughing and still in one piece….another YEE HA weekend with OBT mates.

    Big thanks to Eagles for organising and hosting the weekend (plus thanks to your wife/kids for putting up with me). Also big thank you Gav and MickP for cruising up the rear and enjoying the view!!.

    Sorry… one last thank you goes to TB for your patience and support in taking me out……


    Ian Carr

    It’s been a great day:woohoo: :woohoo: Im pleased to have ridden with the BULL’s:cheer: :cheer: Yes it was a low keyed event but events like that have a habit to become enjoyable and that it was, good one EAGLE’02. CHOOT


    Dwayne O

    No worries Kat,
    It was a pleasure to host the travelling duo Sat night (laugh a minute) :laugh:
    Hey, You rode well again today by all accounts, never far away each stop,,,Way to go !!!! When we left the arvo Ferry, you took off in the lead like a SCALDED KAT :laugh:

    Also great to see guys enjoying such a cruisy low key ride ;) It is only a 320k ride for me but always seems to drag out to 9 hrs out of the house (thanx to the convict ruins & the Wisemans Pub) :woohoo:
    Thanx Choot

    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    When we left the arvo Ferry, you took off in the lead like a SCALDED KAT :laugh:

    Hey Eagle… now you have seen what happens when I’m riding my bike with rum & coke running through my veins. Didn’t think it looked like a SCALDED KAT……… :silly:


    Dwayne O

    It was funny to watch,, depart the ferry for the run north & away goes Kat ________________________ B)


    Dwayne O

    Was also stange to have the ride attendance sheet dominated by Tenere`s today :whistle:
    3 new models & 1 golden oldie :)

    They went everywhere with ease, even the sand track to the old bridge,,,,



    Dwayne O

    :woohoo: Gotta love RDO`s
    Especially the day after a ride,,, Bike is stripped down & cleaned, Air Filter washed & drying, riding gear was washed & hung out last night,,,
    Ready to ride again now :whistle:

    Noticed that the new case protectors did their job already (small ding on the top edge of one & NO, not the side I dropped on the rocks) :laugh:

    Anyone got pics loaded from yesterday ????



    What a day. Thanks to Eagle for organizing the ride. It was a very cold morning ride up the freeway but well worth the efforts. Thanks to Gav and Mick for taking up the rear and thanks to TB for leading me out via Wheelbarrow Ridge to Colo Heights then onto Bilpin. To bad that short hop to Kurrajong Heights was closed but the ride to and fro was good fun.

    My day started with the Alarm at 5:00 am.. After checking the phone I had numerous messages from my works SMS server telling me all about the Aircon problems our computer room was having.. Well there was no way I was gonna give up the days ride so I did what any good employee would do.. I called my boss at 5 am and told her she had an aircon problem to deal with as I was on my way to Freemans Waterhole for a day ride.. Good thing she understands the importance of fun away from work.. hahahaha… :laugh: :laugh:

    I geared up and was dreading the cold but it wasn’t as bad as I had prepped myself for. Definitely cold ride up the F3 with Mooney Mooney and Mt White being the coldest across the bridges.. I managed to set myself behind a semi which removed and the cold wind.. :ohmy:

    After 126 k’s and 1 hour and 15 minutes I pulled into the United at Freemans and reset my tire pressures for the ride to wisemans.. I then got me a hot chocolate and warmed up a bit.. Headed back over to the Shell where pretty much everyone was gathering..

    We took off and ducked right into some gnarly stuff which warmed things up a bit.. Then the cruisiy run to the Pines for a short break and then off again.. We cruised nice and smooth and made a few stops along the way. Eagle took us to some look out that was tucked in the bush around the Wheelbarrow Ridge / Bicentennial intersection..

    I decided to skip lunch and follow TB out to Bilpin via Wheelbarrow Ridge / Colo Heights.. This was a high speed power ride and I loved it.. A bit hard keeping up with the Tenere as TB just powers out of the corners and the little DRZ couldn’t match it.. But I managed to stay closer than I thought I would be able to with only 1 or 2 oh f%#$k moments.. :woohoo:

    All up I did 398k’s for the day 126 of that the ride up the freeway.

    Whens the next one???????? :P


    Dwayne O

    .. But I managed to stay closer than I thought I would be able to with only 1 or 2 oh f%#$k moments.. :woohoo:
    Whens the next one???????? :P[/quote]

    Onya Krusty you HARDCORE SEPPO :laugh:

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