Home Forums Current Sponsor Deals Current Sponsor Deals SUPER SPECIAL -THOR QUADRANT BOOTS

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 13 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #100250

    Rod Mulvey

    SUPER SPECIAL -Thor Quadrant Boots – Super Price Reduction – $149.95 – Limited stock , but hey same price as on the net including freight and no waiting, you get to wear them this weekend! – Sorry no phone or interenet sales on this one, limited to personal shoppers only.



    Think I might get on that deal.
    Good stuff Mud n Tar. :) :)



    anyone near Mud ‘n’ Tar take size 11 1/2 – 12???? in a wide foot?

    apparently i’m an 11 1/2 in an EE or EEE width, but some shoes to get them to fit for width i have to get a 12-12.5.

    why do i ask such an odd Q?…. i wouldn’t mind a pair. but as it’s a bit far for me to just pop in and try on a pair :blush: :dry:

    and with no phone/net orders…….. you’ll catch my drift..



    Funny that XY I have had that discussion with Mick tonight, they are missing the whole Internet thing. If they are selling to their walk in market it Wauchope that’s maybe 8 members or 18 if they all sign in. If they will add 10 / 15 bucks post no one will argue that cause the boots are still cheap and the audience for sales potential becomes 1200 plus

    Is simply good business really :blink:


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