APC Rally 2012 – KatGirls next challenge

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    Well I’ve decided to bite the bullet and lodge my application this morning for the APC Rally in 2012…

    The Rally is designed for bike riders who want an adventure and not a race – that’s ME. The event will be held on 28th July 2012 till 10th August 2012. A total of 14 days riding on a course that is approximately 7100 km in distance. Will be riding thru QLD, ACT,NSW,VIC & SA.


    So first step has been accomplished now its all hands on deck for the training and preparations.




    WOW thats the bull by the horns Kat :laugh: Will watch with interest, I know the rally the details, the costs the route etc very very well as Nickj and I thought about doing last years. In the end thought we would let the first one run and see what happened and read the reports, also the reported tracks would have made 500kms per day hard, it seemed as though there was a lot more tar than the advertised 380kms. We are looking at it as well next year but as we only have 4 – 5 weeks avaiable all year and want to go over to WA as well we may not do the APC but will let you know.

    Like you last huge ride if there is anything with bike prep or gear sourced you want a hand with just give me a yell

    Go you good thing!!!




    That is some ride there Katgirl:)
    Hope you have a good time and I will be thinking of you in your training, swetting already:( ,
    You will have to pack the bike well and make a Burbon rack for all those nights in the cold:whistle:

    Good on ya girl, you are a goer.



    Ian Kersley

    Good on you kat . looking at this rally my self but unsure if i can comit at this stage. we may have another Anny Seal in the making. apc, safari, fink, dakar.
    good luck . cheers bones



    That sure is some big saddle time there in 14 day’s, good on yer for giving it a crack Kat,,,,,You go girl! Ten months for prep and training, all the best with it.
    Cheers Teza.


    Thanks Guy’s…. the training commences this weekend. Got a ride on Saturday with some ORE riders and Sunday heading out with some regulars that I drag around the Watagan’s.

    Got allot of preparation to do which includes learning how to do bike maintenance. Seems similar to my CRF230 so shouldn’t be too hard. Setting up the bike (with help from Steve at AdventureMoto) Next is time on the bike fully loaded up and doing some camping and cooking time – if anyone has seen me put up a tent and cooking camp food …. its entertaining to say the least. Navigation will be interesting… being a girl and all!!!.. anyway will keep this thread updated with my preparations….



    Nick Jackson

    That’s great that your having a go at this rally Kat ,I followed this years with interest and it looks like a good thing ;)




    Good on you kat

    Thats a big ADV ride it looks good ,look forward to your reports on your build up to big event.




    Well its 10 weeks to go and my original riding partner (Dave from Albury) pulled out and I was going give it a miss this year…… BUT…. the world changed on Saturday after our Kurri ride when I meet Flying Fish (Amy) who was in the same predicament. After the ride we confirmed our ride style was similar and our thoughts on approaching the ride and what we wanted out of it was the same…

    The news is ……….. we are going to do it together…….. this is going to be dangerous…… two OldBull chic’s giving it a go…..we may get lost …. we may break down…… we may have couple of challenging drops…..but I feel confident there will be lots of laughter… :laugh:

    So watch out Steve at Adventure Moto we need to buy some goodies and TB you may be hounded with questions as we need your direction and anyone else out there up to help we would greatly appreciate it.


    PS… we are trying to rope in Alyssa to come but she probably has more sense than us…

    If you see us on the side of the road… this is what we look like….Flying Fish is on left… me in middle and Alyssa on right





    Thats great Kat :)
    If you get close to Nowra (few 100km or so) lit me know if you want a hand.



    Good on you Kat and Amy, you have the support of all the old bulls.



    KatGirl wrote:
    So watch out Steve at Adventure Moto we need to buy some goodies and TB you may be hounded with questions as we need your direction and anyone else out there up to help we would greatly appreciate it.


    No worries we have built you a bike to get across the country before eh :laugh: Around the country should be the same. More than happy to help you know that as I know Steve will be as well. We can get it done in the ADV Moto shed as I do most of my work there no
    Will give you a ring soon, congrats girls living the dream



    Dwayne O

    Looking forward to following the progress of the bike preps and watching the Spot Trackers on the rally ;)
    Way to go girls, grabbing the Bull by the horns so to speak :laugh:

    It`s a big event to have a go at especially unsupported , althought I`m sure you will have plenty of help about on the route, on the phones and on here etc etc

    Good Luck with the prep for now ;)



    Good timing Eagle ;) We had a meeting at Adventure Moto yesterday. Katgirl, Flying Fish, Steve and myself


    The girls purchased some Klim gear, spot trackers, tools, dampers etc
    A build date and secret workshop has been decided on, spares lists and part list for the builds I am working on over the next week or so. Girls are now just going to do as much riding as possible before they swap all the gear out for new running gear. Valve adjustment on Kat’s bike (Amy’s is been done this week) the girls will be schooled on the built weekend so they get to know there bikes inside and out



    Dwayne O

    Yeah,,, You told me all about it on the phone yesterday arvo remember ??? :laugh:

    Great work on helping them out , I know you love getting in there to assist wherever possible ;)
    Sounds like Steve has the same disease :P


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