Transmoto 12 Hour

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    It’s on again. 3/4 March 2012 Batemans Bay. My entry is in. Going in the mens pairs. Anyone else going. Any tips from last years contenders. Time to get serious about the training.



    Captain Furious and I were going to enter a 4 man team this year but I have to work and didn’t get my act together and take the time off.

    Last year was hot and very humid. Lots of fluids Bundy and just be ride fit. The track was mostly tight single with a couple of slippery creek crossings to keep it interesting.

    It’s fairly casual and heaps of fun. There are lots of fast guys which are great to watch dissapear down the track.

    Enjoy mate.


    Craig Hatton

    I,m in we have 4 teams of 4, seems to be a bit different this year in the way it’s run, but will be good anyway. we are staying sun night as well

    cheers hatto



    Haven’t planned that far ahead yet but I’m guessing we will be there Sunday night too. I’m guessing I may be a little low on energy by then.



    If it’s as hot as last Bundy you’ll be rooted. We stayed Sunday night to have a few beers and had 2 or 3 and crashed, even with a full blown party going on next door. :laugh:



    I’ll be there, not sure but I have entered in Ironman but wanna change to a 2 or 4 man team, got a couple of guys waiting to get back to me.




    After Hattos comments I went back and looked for the changes. No prologue and no practice lap. I’m guessing this will make the first lap in the dark a little interesting.

    A couple of questions. What is this “baton” thing you have to pass between riders and what is a good way to carry it?

    How many laps/km’s were people doing last year. I remember having a look last year and seem to think the leaders were doing 33 laps or so. Memory mightn’t be that good though. I’m certainly not expect ing to be anywhere near the front but am trying to mentally prepare the brain for the onslaught.


    Paul Lee

    Hey Bundyroy
    I was on Hattos team last year and I thick we did about 24 laps between the 4 of us. The baton last year was a transducer which they supplied the bracket and cable ties and we mounted it on the top section of the fork tube.The lap distance was 10km and it was a tough trail. We had a great time last year even after Hatto got 1st night fever, will see you there next year and remember to take heaps of cold water as it was really hot last year
    Cheers Pauly



    Thanks Pauly,

    First night fever on top of my natural lack of fitness and spritely young age would do me in I think. I thought the baton may be a trabsducer but was wondering how you ment to fix it to several bikes.

    Is there somewhere to have a tub/swim on the Sunday night.

    How much truth is there in the start being in daylight. Do people use extra lights.


    Paul Lee

    There is a river right next to where we camp. There was enough light at the start as my headlight doesn,t work but some of the rain forest section was dark all day so a bit of fun there.We didn’t get to do a practice lap and the prologue was different to the main course.


    craig evans

    this sounds like a lot of fun for a out of shape person like me mite try and find a partner and give it a go


    scott hurley

    yeah last year was good in reality its as hard as you make it we had a team of four last year and two teams of two this year to get more time in the saddle.
    Its a good laugh and piss up or serious if you want to :angry:
    take everything needed for camping dont forget the dunny paper runs out very quickly and a peg too because the porta loose are ripe on sunday :laugh:

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