GoPro Hero2 test, What do ya think?

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    I picked up a hero2 for xmas off the mrs and have been toying with it a bit yesterday here is what it came out like. If the quality is off put it upto 720p in the youtube bar down the bottom.


    Looks awesome mate. I will be keen to see how it handles the light changes in the forest because out in the open the quality is brilliant.



    Funny you say that mate being the busy ass bastard i am i have just got back from an early squirt so i will get a few short clips and throw it on this arvo or something. Or possibly in a few days as i have a few things to do at the pub and stuff today.



    Looks fine in 360,720 should be perfect.


    Hey Nato
    While you are in test mode shoot some stills and post them up too when you get a chance.




    I am having dramas getting the quality to stay as it is straight off the camera as that footage is amazing but if you click it on to 720p it helps heaps on the youtube bar.


    YouTube heavily compress the files you upload so as to conserve space on their servers so you will never get the full resolution that the camera outputs. At 720 it looks great mate and it looks like you are working out the editing.
    Well Done!



    Footage looks fine Nato..

    It.ll look even better when ya passin the old man….. :P :P

    Better still….carnt wait to see the footage of ya passing cory.. 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

    Good stuff mate. …Spud…

    dupsyam4 wrote:
    Footage looks fine Nato..

    It.ll look even better when ya passin the old man….. :P :P

    Better still….carnt wait to see the footage of ya passing cory.. 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

    Good stuff mate. …Spud…

    Gold Spud!
    Although I can hear the family banter now :laugh: . Biggeral and Corey8 probably bought him the camera as he is always behind them.
    Nato has a 100% success rate on the Widow Maker so it might be nice for him to film his brothers attempts 👿




    Looks good Nato.

    A STM said youtube compresses the files a bit and you loase quality. I always save my videos to my computer in HD and then upload if they’re not to big. Seems to help but only if you have a big download/upload quota. I have unlimited so I got nuts with big files.

    Good job on the editing too.

    King STM wrote:
    dupsyam4 wrote:
    Footage looks fine Nato..

    It.ll look even better when ya passin the old man….. :P :P

    Better still….carnt wait to see the footage of ya passing cory.. 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

    Good stuff mate. …Spud…

    Gold Spud!
    Although I can hear the family banter now :laugh: . Biggeral and Corey8 probably bought him the camera as he is always behind them.
    Nato has a 100% success rate on the Widow Maker so it might be nice for him to film his brothers attempts 👿


    I will not comment, i will not comment, i will not comment, aaahhhh Fark it. Hey STM remember all those time you say go in front of me so i can get some video? where is all that video? seems to me by the time i get to the end of the trail the 3 k zoom is no longer working :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Nah it all looking good Nathan, Bar the amount of work national parks have done and turned a challenging hill into a high way



    Ditto Nato.
    For Christmas I also got one of those little cameras with a chesty mount and decided to give it a whirl.
    I combined learning about how to drive the camera with learning about my old/new little crf.
    Down south I went for New Years and a few laps of a buds property. His 16 yo son has put in a terrific little track he has made his own.
    So, he put the camera on & chased me around to see how it looks.
    Result……..nothing spectacular, but OK for a first hit out.
    ps. thanks Mal


    Looks a lot clearer than mine on 420p i wonder why mine are coming out not as good as yours? What editor and what camera settings?



    Looks good Crash. Well done mate.

    Still not sure what going on with yours Nato. Are you saving them as a HD (large) file?


    Buggers me mate i save as hd and to get the file size up i go to the encoder bit and put them both at 50000.

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