Forks need fixing

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 13 years ago.

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    Pretty sure I know the answer to this question but how much play is there meant to be between the fork legs and there holders. My guess is zero.

    I noticed the other day what appeared like movement in the front end when pushing the bike around and thought my bearings may be going. Couldn’t feel any movement in the wheel. Anyway whilst fixing my brake issue I thought I’d check it out further. Sure enough with front wheel off the ground there is forward and backward movement when pushing on the bottom of the fork legs. At first I thought head stem bearings but there is no movement if I push on forks just above the legs. Pulled wheel of and there is movement in both forks.

    I’m assuming this means the sliders are worn. Whilst they are apart getting those replaced should I be replacing other things like fork seals etc.


    Bundyroy wrote:
    Pretty sure I know the answer to this question but how much play is there meant to be between the fork legs and there holders. My guess is zero.

    I noticed the other day what appeared like movement in the front end when pushing the bike around and thought my bearings may be going. Couldn’t feel any movement in the wheel. Anyway whilst fixing my brake issue I thought I’d check it out further. Sure enough with front wheel off the ground there is forward and backward movement when pushing on the bottom of the fork legs. At first I thought head stem bearings but there is no movement if I push on forks just above the legs. Pulled wheel of and there is movement in both forks.

    I’m assuming this means the sliders are worn. Whilst they are apart getting those replaced should I be replacing other things like fork seals etc.

    Yeah Roy replace the seals as well. Actually your lucky the seals aren’t leaking given that from your description the bushes sound as though they are flogged. Can’t say I have ever had a set of bushes that worn. It may pay to check it out further mate and be sure


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