MudnTar Wauchope is for Sale.

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  David 12 years, 11 months ago.

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    Mick D

    After years of servicing the local bike community in Wauchope Mud N Tar is for sale. They are an authorised Suzuki and Gas Gas dealers. Here is your chance to indulge in bikes all the time. Rod has decided he has had enough and wants to persue other interests.
    So if you are even slightly interested give Rod a call on 02 6585 1746.


    Adrian Gale

    I am sure someone with more power than me will say it but :

    Thanks to the MudnTar folk for their support of Old Bulls. :cheer:

    Good Luck in whatever the future has in store for you. :)

    With a bit of luck Mick will pick it up! ;)



    simon burke

    I ran ran into Rod up at cells the other day.He was taking his son inlaws for abit of a ride around the bush for the day :cheer: .geez he’s a nice bloke.
    i wish him all the best with the sale of the business and wish him all the best for his futre pursuits what ever they may be :)

    Bol :woohoo:


    Mick D

    On behalf of TB, Chris, myself and the rest of the admin crew, we would like to thank Rod and Tracey for their support of OBT, pretty well since it started. Their support has been a great help in getting us to where we are now. There has also been plenty of times that Rod has saved the day for one of our guys when something has broken or they have forgotten to pack something for the ride. (like a helmet, ay Rebore).

    We would like to wish them well with the sale of the store and in their future endevours.

    The OBT Admin team.


    micknmeld wrote:
    On behalf of TB, Chris, myself and the rest of the admin crew, we would like to thank Rod and Tracey for their support of OBT, pretty well since it started. Their support has been a great help in getting us to where we are now. There has also been plenty of times that Rod has saved the day for one of our guys when something has broken or they have forgotten to pack something for the ride. (like a helmet, ay Rebore).

    We would like to wish them well with the sale of the store and in their future endevours.

    The OBT Admin team.

    Yes thanks to Rod and the crew at Mudn Tar. ;)
    If not for them and their helmet stock i would have missed out on a great weekend. :whistle:



    Dwayne O

    Yeah, Many thanx to the crew & Mud n Tar ;)
    Only met Rod once myself, but he is a top bloke and as Mick said, he has supported us well over the years,,,

    Best of Luck Guys B)


    Richard W

    Good bloke Rod, remember rocking up to the shop early one morning when he was working down in Port 20+ years ago.
    Sitting against the roller door waiting for the shop to open I asked him what book he was reading. ‘It’s just my bible’ he said
    Now theres a guy you can trust.
    Oh well better go pay my tab off now.

    Would probably be a tuff gig taking on his shop, with the high aussie dollar and internet bike sales these days.



    Hey Mick,

    If you speak to the guys get them to call Iden at he has been on a few old bull rides and he sells business.


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