I got out for a bit of a rip today,out on the usual tracks,riding out there I couldn’t help but notice how much water was coming out of the ground after that big dumping we had last week.
I knew that the tracks would be pretty eroded,,,but some of em were just ruble,like creek beds,and the main tracks had a lot less dert in between the rocks.
Did I mention,,,,there is a lot of rocks out my way.

I’v riden this one twice now,and it’s a bit of a chalange with wet yellow clay spoted in just the wrong places,just before step ups. I must say that the Dunlop Geomax’s that I’v just fited are great for this kinda stuff.Liking them.

The RMX has been realy nailing this stuff well, with the air striker carb set up for low down talk, and the Geomax’s, just keep yu revs low and hold back on the weel spin,and the old smoker just walks it in :cheer: I’m just along for the ride :laugh:
Cheers Teza