Death Wobbles

This topic contains 11 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 12 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #101209

    Scott Hanley


    Was wondering how to stop the death wobbles on the handle bars. Is it a suspension set that causes it?
    I have a KTM 525 05 with the suspension setup by tekniks not that long ago full rebuild with springs and valves front and rear.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated




    Not sure what you mean by death wobbles Scotto, is it just the wobble in the bars when riding in a straight line on the tar or something else. Some nobby tyres will cause that, a steering dampner will probably helpwith that and also with deflection off rocks and ruts and the like.



    You are talking about a head shake I am guessing? Have you spoken with Nick @ Tekniks since the suspension was done. I am sure if you talk with him he will have a idea or two. I starting noticing years ago at a four day and since that 90% of KTMs have dampers because of the trail and rake they run, this helps them turn well. The down side is that they can then experience headshake. The CRs of the late 80s to mid 90s were like that. Fit a damper I reckon, I personally would own a bike without one

    Good luck and let us know what happens because it may help someone else



    Scott Hanley

    It is the handle bars wobbling in a straight line on dirt at speed. It has only happened a couple of times I’m not sure what triggers it.


    Scotto wrote:
    It is the handle bars wobbling in a straight line on dirt at speed. It has only happened a couple of times I’m not sure what triggers it.

    Yeah thats called head shake, see my above post for my thoughts champ ;)



    Richard W

    My 03 kato 525 does the same, makes you hang on a bit tighter but have never hit the dust with it. My front suspension is totally shot thou.


    Scott Hanley

    Thanks TB
    I will give nick a call tomorrow and post the results.

    I havn,t come off either but it makes the rear valve work a little harder


    Craig Hatton

    Head shake for sure, stick on a dampener, will be good to go. Not many KTm’s around this vintage which don’t have a Dampner




    My old 02 520 and my 07 525 both did this till i fitted a steering dampener fit one and it will fix the problem


    Scott Hanley

    Hi All
    FYI I have spoken to Nick from Teknik’s.
    He has suggested lowering the back end a little from rider sag of 113mm to 118mm and double check my clicker settings.
    I riding up at hartley on the weekend so i will test it out. not sure it will or won’t be fixed as its only happened a couple of times in the last 3 years.
    Thanks for all the suggestions a damper probably wouldn’t go astray either.



    Guys you all failed to say that it usually only happens when you back off.quick fix keep if flat stick,89 rm 125 was renound for headshake usually in the most inapropriate places,pull the gas back on and it would sort it self out.
    could also be unbalanced suspention.



    Dragging your back brake will also stop it / reduce it. Pulls the bike straight


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