Going over to the Dark Side!!

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    Well the time has finally come and we are off to Queensland to pick up the new KTM’s. :pinch:
    We will leave Dalby on the 1st May and head home via Alice, Finke, Simpson Dessert, Birdsville Gammon ranges, Mildura, and Home. Hope to take about 12 days and visit some people along the way.
    Spot address http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0uPLC49LOuyGyEfOG7sqOTcr4pxz5b4jI

    I will try and post up some pics along the way with the help of Nick j.


    simon burke

    KTMs boulder ? :pinch:
    i don’t wanna know :S
    Have a nice trip though :cheer:
    Bol :woohoo:



    what are you getting boulder a 690 or something else good stuff



    Eagle will mess himself when he sees this :laugh: have you got rid of the sick up taste in your mouth yet Boulder :P
    Have you added my contact details like you asked? Just so I know

    Ride safe guys



    Dwayne O

    Nah, I suspected the Boulder Bros were looking at the Orange beasts actually :P

    The Tenere`s just weren`t good enough hey :laugh:

    Good onya Boulder & safe travells guys B)


    Mick D

    Good onya Boulder!! The bike you have chosen is a good thing. I was lucky enough to have my brother’s one for a while and enjoyed every minute that I spent in the saddle.

    Looking forward to the ride report!!



    No dark side there Boulder!!! I am jealous. I hope you guys have a great ride and ride safe. I will be watching with interest.



    All I can say is,,, :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

    theres another one !!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

    good call Boulder. ;) ;) ;)

    I`m sure we will get the holes filled soon ,,IE: size,age etc:



    Nick Jackson

    I can’t wait to see the pics of the new animal that may tame a big Fish :D

    Great choice of bike mate , you work hard and the results pay off hey B)
    ( wish I could lay stone !!!)

    I’m sure the Kato will be the perfect choice for experienced blokes like yourselves ;)

    I’ll be posting up your pics as soon as they arrive my end .

    Have a great ride mate




    Got to love a new bike. Should be run in by the time you get home too I reckon.


    Dwayne O

    Now we need another Trip with Trailzone mag to replace the pic of the Boulder Bros in flight thru the Brindabellas, which features in the current issue.

    The Boulder Bros in full flight on a couple of 990`s would look awsome :woohoo:


    Nick Jackson

    I’ve just finished a long chat with Boulder and him and Fish are happy ( to say the least !!) with their 2 brand new KTM 990s . Set up by Craig Hartley ‘Dalby Moto’ who has just lead them on an 800+ km ride in the last day and a half through some very demanding trails with snotty uphills and nasty downhills and some great dirt twistys in between!! :woohoo:

    The bikes sound the business and Boulder only took an hour to get to grips with the big girl and show her who’s boss ;)

    They spent last night at Phil ‘ Motorbikin’ Hodgens place having BBQ and beers ( 2 cases :D ) and tonight made it to ‘BumF#%k’ ( Boulders words !)

    Pictures are on their way and I’ll post them up as they arrive.

    They have still got 2 1/2 weeks to go and will put 10 000 km on the new bikes in that time. Lucky buggers !!!!



    Dwayne O

    The Poor Bastards :laugh:

    Half their Luck I reclon :whistle:
    Can`t wait for the pics & more reports to filter through form this adventure ,,,

    Thanx for the heads up Jacko


    Mick Pilgrim
    Nickj wrote:
    I’ve just finished a long chat with Boulder and him and Fish are happy ( to say the least !!) with their 2 brand new KTM 990s . Set up by Craig Hartley ‘Dalby Moto’ who has just lead them on an 800+ km ride in the last day and a half through some very demanding trails with snotty uphills and nasty downhills and some great dirt twistys in between!! :woohoo:

    The bikes sound the business and Boulder only took an hour to get to grips with the big girl and show her who’s boss ;)

    They spent last night at Phil ‘ Motorbikin’ Hodgens place having BBQ and beers ( 2 cases :D ) and tonight made it to ‘BumF#%k’ ( Boulders words !)

    Pictures are on their way and I’ll post them up as they arrive.

    They have still got 2 1/2 weeks to go and will put 10 000 km on the new bikes in that time. Lucky buggers !!!!



    Boulder & Fish were extremely happy with the new bikes when he rang – reckons its easier to ride than the old DR’s and just goes where ever you point it. :woohoo:

    Power is very smooth, Craig said dont go over 6000rpm while running them in. Boulder said he didn’t get past 5000rpm and that was enough.

    It will be interesting to see what they think of them when they get to Birdsville after crossing the Simpson

    Looking forward to seeing the photos he’s sending you Nick



    Nick Jackson

    Boulder and Fishs new weapons of choice :woohoo:



    Boulder with Craig Hartley ( Dalby Moto ) and Phil Hodgens ( Motorbikin )



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