Because we dont like to come unprepared, Team Tamworth will be pre riding the Saturday night loop for the birthday ride.
Event starts at 1330 hrs this Sunday, Ringers road Tamworth, leave cars in the designated car park and proceed to the back bar of the Longyard hotel. We will be covering:
Boonys ring of knowledge (thats what he likes to call it)
How to stand around a campfire with your pants around your ankles and look normal at the same time – talk by Pep
Bike maintenance – talk by Aaron Rags Wilde
Converting an ag bike into a moto cross weapon – talk by damus
Bollocks will be doing a pre ride practice auction using his newly relased book What Nanna can do for you! the third book in his series on goat sex
Boat Racing for beginers – bringing a rugby tradition to dirt bike riding. by Snowy
Those attending are requested to remember this is a pre run of the event so please use the toilets provided and dont poo in the beer garden.
The pre ride will temporarily break later that night with a further pre run practice to commence at 0600 next Friday at Boonys place