Husky Technical help

This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Horn 11 years ago.

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  • #101434

    Rory Rock

    Husky owners, feel free to throw your tech help questions on here. If I don’t know the answer I can have our technicians have a look at the issue.


    Peter Horn

    2011 TE310, oil leak on the motor side of the water pump is pi …. annoying me, tried gasket goo (after two new gaskets), used proper torque wrench settings … warped pump casting/housing?? Dunno, just annoying, goes betweeen oil changes with no drop in oil levels.


    Rory Rock

    Sorry just saw this, I will get our main husky tech to check it out Monday and we will see what we can come up with. Do you have any photos?
    I’m assuming you are replacing the inner gasket, have you cleaned all old gkt material off mating surfaces thorughly? You should be able to check the the thin water pump housing plate for trueness on a piece of glass or similar, its $70.96 to replace if buggered (we’ve never sold one). If you have some light wet n dry put it on a piece of glass and rub the housing surface in circular motion to get it dead flat.
    The mechanical seal that seals water side to oil side, does it have a tell tale drain hole in that pump housing (i’m not familiar myself but will check with our techs) if it does the oil leak may be coming from the seal (i’d replace the seal anyhow its only $11.50)


    Peter Horn

    Gasket material cleaned off, thought about wet and dry but was worried about clearances without the right advice, new gasket used each time, last time used new gasket and a rubber based gasket goo (qual product)
    No oil in water so not mechanical seal, but will replace when i get the leak sorted as the housings been off a few times now.


    Peter Horn

    You got any answers for me Rock Dog?


    Peter Horn

    Ok after a bit of Googling I solved the problem, there is a weep hole behind the water pump that drains the spark plug umm “cavity” in the rocker cover and head. It is sealed from the head by a small gasket on the rocker cover, this had a small tear in it that was allowing oil to enter the spark plug “cavity” them flowing out the weep hole onto my fn boots.
    Replace seal issue gone…..



    Yeh! nice one,,It’s always great to finde that the problem has a simple fix,,,aspecialy after a brain twistter :P I Also hope to be riding a 310 soon.



    Would some one know the valve clearance for an 09 310 ?
    Thanks Teza.

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