sunny coast ride

Home Forums Ride Gatherings QLD Rides sunny coast ride

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    Mike Wyeth

    I have been thinking for a while about having a weekend ride up this way and with the cancellation of a couple of the bigger rides this year I was thinking about doing something(only thinking at the moment).

    So i thought I’d post up just to guage numbers of interested people then I can look into things like places to stay,possible weekends to hold it and get some feedback from some interested parties.


    Mike Wyeth


    Didnt mean to press the submit button there :laugh: :laugh:

    Anyway, a few old bulls have been up here and ridden some of the tracks i.e STM,Nickj,and Moto so they have a bit of an insight

    Let me know what you think???


    Nick Jackson

    I’m in , some of the best riding around in my opinion. Hills , singles , technical , the lot.

    Bring it on Mike :woohoo:



    I am in!



    Im interested Mike



    Rides north of Coffs are hard to come by around here, ay Nick :dry:


    Nick Jackson
    BellingenEv wrote:
    Rides north of Coffs are hard to come by around here, ay Nick :dry:

    Rides that meet your criteria are hard to find north of Coffs Ev. I ride here a lot and your always welcome but you’d leave saying it wasn’t hard enough :(


    Mike Wyeth
    Nickj wrote:
    I’m in , some of the best riding around in my opinion. Hills , singles , technical , the lot.

    Bring it on Mike :woohoo:


    I was thinking of running it at a different area than the place we went Nick because its possibly better for accomodation, but it does have BIGGER HILLS :woohoo:


    Nick Jackson

    Looking at the scenery around your way Mike I can’t imagine anything but hills mate !!!!

    It’s time for a road trip north !!! :woohoo:



    I would drive that far to have a beer with you mate so if it means a weekend on the bike then you can count me in.



    Nickj wrote:
    BellingenEv wrote:
    Rides north of Coffs are hard to come by around here, ay Nick :dry:

    Rides that meet your criteria are hard to find north of Coffs Ev. I ride here a lot and your always welcome but you’d leave saying it wasn’t hard enough :(

    Your to modest , you finished all my rides on an adventure bike.
    There must be something good up there, Spud didnt get that good riding fire trails.


    Stephen hart

    I’m a nooby to this site but I’m keen to go riding in some new places.
    I’d need to know how hard it’s going to be, if someone could explain the difficulty rating that would help, and I’d need to know when. I work some weekend
    That’s assuming I’m invited. :unsure:


    Hi Steve and welcome to the site.
    Nobody is nobody around here. :laugh:
    I have pasted a link to the ride grading info and if Mike goes ahead with the ride he will let us know the sort of grade to expect.
    From my experience the base level of Mikes terrain is a grade 3 and then there are some challenges from there. Plenty of grade 4 hills to climb and descend and no doubt a 5 thrown in somewhere that Mike will ride in second gear on the pegs while we grovel around. :pinch:

    Enjoy the site.



    Mick D

    Hey King, has your tiara dropped down over your eyes??? He said he is a nooby not a nobody! :laugh:


    Stephen hart

    Thanks Mr King

    Grades 4-5 sound a bit wild for me. If there wasn’t too many sections like that, or if someone was keen to help me out a bit I’d tag along. Otherwise I think I might have to try an easier one first to get feel for the grading system.

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