What steering damper?

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Ian Minus 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    Scott Hanley

    What is the best steering damper choice for KTM 525 ?



    Nick Jackson

    There’s a big choice out their Scotto , I have had an over bar Roc- Stomper that is easy to turn on and off and worked a treat. I also have the Ralle Moto damper which is under bar and has a zero friction return to centre and a half friction return to center setting that works well. I’m looking into one for my Crf but I really think it depends on the type of riding you do most as they all have a similar principal but different features to suit what you ride.



    Scott Hanley

    Hi Nickj

    Thanks for the reply I saw your post on Rock good to hear about the service you got, I didn’t want to ambush the thread thats why i started this one.
    I’m mainly on single track preferably tighter gnarly stuff. I’ve had a bit of head shake and would like to eliminate.




    What year model is it Scotto? I only ask because I may know where there are some cheap under bar mount MSC. MSC also make the Rally Moto and are an awesome damper that covers all conditions.

    BTW does it shake its head on trailing throttle, under brakes or under acceleration? Have you done anything the the suspension?



    Ohlin’s 2.1 or Scotts the both have return to center feature.


    Ian Minus

    I have had half a dozen dampers of all the types mentioned here.
    Only the Scotts have never leaked and are the only ones I buy now.
    That’s not say the newer models haven’t cleaned up their act, but when I’m on a good thing …


    Scott Hanley
    Trailboss wrote:
    What year model is it Scotto? I only ask because I may know where there are some cheap under bar mount MSC. MSC also make the Rally Moto and are an awesome damper that covers all conditions.

    BTW does it shake its head on trailing throttle, under brakes or under acceleration? Have you done anything the the suspension?


    Hi TB

    Its a 05. It seems to happen under acceleration both up hill and down hill. I had my suspension done by teknik last year full re spring and valve front and rear. have spoken to them and set everything as per there instruction. I have set the forks all the way down and sag has been set to there requirement for the progressive spring.
    Its dosent seem as bad after reseting it but still there.



    Scott Hanley

    Thanks minus one, MadManiac

    i will have a look at those.



    Hi Scotto,

    I used to have a 02 KTM 400 EXC and found that the MSC Damper fixed the problem instantly, you can push your bike harder and with more confidence. I raced enduro for a few years and it saved my arse many times.They are expensive but consider what could happen otherwise.

    I actually bought my forks up through the clamps approx 10mm and it still handled well at speed and the steering became more responsive in slower trails, like what you prefer, ie steers quicker.

    Hope this helps mate.

    Cheers Marty


    Ian Minus

    The best damper is one you don’t even realise is there, until you jump on someone elses bike without one.

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