new chick in town

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This topic contains 19 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Stuart 12 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #101492

    hi all im a new chick in town my name is rachael,im the better half to wolfie who is also a member on here. im only new to riding ,only been riding since last xmas, riding a huskyte310.i met some of you at the unfortunatly cancled b-day ride at sunny corner and the welcome i got there was awsome ,thank you rach



    Well it’s about time :laugh: welcome Rachael, see on a ride soon, and thanks again for the fantastic cake,




    Was great to meet you Rachael. You will no doubt be a favourite here after that awesome cake!


    Hey Rachael another Chic on OldBulls…… YEH… 😆 , It was so nice to meet you on the weekend…..and it was a shame we didn’t get an opportunity to go for a easy ride around Sunny Corner. Flying Fish, Alyssa and myself are keen to take you out some time soon for a ‘girlie’ ride. I’m sure Wolfie, Smick400 and Stephen can entertain themselves on some other tracks whilst we have some fun. I think Alyssa is doing the Yamaha Off Road Riding course in September at Dargle which I’m thinking of also doing to sharpen up my skills….. maybe you might be interested in coming along…. keep in contact.

    PS… you can bring a cake along on any of our future rides …. it will definitely help us ride better.



    Mark Bunting

    Welcome aboard Rachael.

    Nice bike.

    Kram B)


    Dwayne O

    G`Day Rachael,
    Was terrific to see you out there with Wolfie the other day,,, and that cake was awsome :woohoo: Thanx again
    As Kat said, It`s good to see some more dirt chicks out there having a ball and keeping us fellas on our toes :whistle: :laugh:

    Hope you had a good intro to what we are all about, and look forward to seeing you out there on the 310 ;)



    simon burke

    Hiya rach :cheer:
    welcome to Old Bulls
    awesome cake the other night ;)
    I used to do the cakes many moons ago…all yours now…ripper job :cheer:

    Bol :woohoo:



    Hey rachael,
    So nice to meet you on the weekend,
    and the cake you made was awesome!!
    just make sure you get yourself out on that bike and have fun
    Let us girls know when your keen for a ride!!

    Ps. Sorry wont be able to sat night


    Thanks guys.. for your welcome. its humbling to get such a warm welcome….


    Dwayne O
    rachael wrote:
    Thanks guys.. for your welcome. its humbling to get such a warm welcome….

    Nah,,,, That`s how we roll here on OBT ;)
    Your one of us now Rach B)



    Adrian Gale

    Welcome Rach.
    It was nice to meet you on the weekend. I am sure that everyone that had a piece or 2 of your cake loved it and appreciated the time , effort and money that you and Wolfie put into it. :woohoo:
    That 310 would be ideal for you to ride. :)
    Wolfie told me the story of the KTM 450. Awesomeness.
    When you and Wolfie want to do a nice easy grade 2 ride up here send me a PM and it will be arranged. ;)

    Galey B)


    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Welcome Rach.
    It was nice to meet you on the weekend. I am sure that everyone that had a piece or 2 of your cake loved it and appreciated the time , effort and money that you and Wolfie put into it. :woohoo:
    That 310 would be ideal for you to ride. :)
    Wolfie told me the story of the KTM 450. Awesomeness.
    When you and Wolfie want to do a nice easy grade 2 ride up here send me a PM and it will be arranged. ;)

    Galey B)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Oh Galey don’t make me laugh it hurts to much. You do a grade 2 ride? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I can see it going like this. “You guys have done great on the first few kms of fire trail, really going well. How bout we scoot up this pine hill it’s not far, I call it Zig Zag. Now we do an easy down hill just up the road, all good! Great lets go down the Ski Run, it’s just a fire trail you’ll do it easy…..” :P

    Oh yeah, welcome Rachael. Great to have you on board to keep Wolfie under control. The cake was awesome thanks for taking the time to make it. We want to see that Husky out on tracks when it warms up a bit. :)



    Welcome Rachael,

    Good to see another Husky,was starting to feel like a loner these days :laugh: If youve got time send me a pm, cc it to my wife and convince her to get a dirtbike ;)



    Adrian Gale
    mal5.1 wrote:
    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Welcome Rach.
    It was nice to meet you on the weekend. I am sure that everyone that had a piece or 2 of your cake loved it and appreciated the time , effort and money that you and Wolfie put into it. :woohoo:
    That 310 would be ideal for you to ride. :)
    Wolfie told me the story of the KTM 450. Awesomeness.
    When you and Wolfie want to do a nice easy grade 2 ride up here send me a PM and it will be arranged. ;)

    Galey B)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Oh Galey don’t make me laugh it hurts to much. You do a grade 2 ride? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I can see it going like this. “You guys have done great on the first few kms of fire trail, really going well. How bout we scoot up this pine hill it’s not far, I call it Zig Zag. Now we do an easy down hill just up the road, all good! Great lets go down the Ski Run, it’s just a fire trail you’ll do it easy…..” :P

    Oh yeah, welcome Rachael. Great to have you on board to keep Wolfie under control. The cake was awesome thanks for taking the time to make it. We want to see that Husky out on tracks when it warms up a bit. :)

    Mal, I said it can be arranged. It may not be me that leads it though. Anyway a trip out to Capertee and back would be grade 2 and is a nice loop.


    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Mal, I said it can be arranged. It may not be me that leads it though. Anyway a trip out to Capertee and back would be grade 2 and is a nice loop.

    Got me on a technicality mate. 😆

    Yep a loop to Capertee and back would be good.

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