Nundle Mud Fest

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  • #101660

    Ron Birrell

    9 riders showed up for what turned out to be a great day on the bike. They were Boony, House, Damo, Damus, A new guy called Logan,Three ring ins ( Paul, Shane and Joel )and myself.
    After meeting up at the usual spot we all headed up to the air strip to unload. It was a bit chilly to say the least, but after we unloaded and suited up it was off to have some fun.
    First we hit the fire trails that lead to our singles which were quite good considering the amount of rain we have had here this week.
    Then came the singles which were also quite tacky. Logon was taking everything quite calmly as it was all new new to him after riding the Watagans.
    It was off to Parachute and upon reaching the bottom and seeing how the creek was flowing it was decided to take a trail that Paul knew, which meant that we would only cross the creek once rather than the usual 5 times.
    The creek was flowing fairly well and it was decided to cross about 20m upstream of our usual spot as it was only about 1 and a half to 2 feet deep. Everyone crossed without ay problems other than a boot full of water.
    The folowing hill climb is where I had the first of my offs. I wasn’t the only one to have a hicup but everyone made it to the top.
    I had another lie down between here and the swamp in a rather large bog hole and this was where the greasey stuff began as everyone had some sort of trouble to varying degrees as we made our way to the Berry Patch for lunch.
    On the way back after lunch it was more greasey stuff with myself and 2 other bikes having to be strapped up a small cutting which had no traction left after everyone else struggled up it.
    About 20 kms from the end Damo had to pull out and head for the cars due to a coolant leak. Damus and Logan Decided to travel with him and the rest of us finished the ride getting back to the cars as Logan was ready to leave.
    We loaded up, got changed and headed off to the Dungy Pub for a cold drink.
    Thanks everyone for a great day.



    Bastards! Go off and ride while Im working.


    Ron Birrell
    snowy09 wrote:
    Bastards! Go off and ride while Im working.

    Sorry Snowy, but I got told that your bike was too weak to ride after the crash diet you had it on :whistle: :laugh: :laugh:
    maybe Boony or House can show you the piccies to drool over



    simon burke

    Onya buzz ;)
    Good RR mate :cheer:
    I hope some of the other monkeys took some photos,
    Must have been wet as a shag….glad i was on the Gold coast drinking crappy Qld beer :P

    Bol :woohoo:



    We all met up at our normal meeting place and there was an air of excitement, the boys where all bouncing around like a kid in a lolly shop, I told them to settle down as this was just another nundle ride, and they all responded at the same time,” yes but without Snowy”!! cheeky mob up this way. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    We had a new Old bull with us on this trip (Logan), welcome aboard mate, hope you have recovered. :whistle: :whistle:
    We got to the unload point and there was a heap of brass monkeys running around holding their crutches, :woohoo: ;) Christ it was cold. :(
    Anyway we geared up, give Logan the standard corner man talk and off we set. I thought the trails would be really treacherous considering they were suppose to have had over 50mil of rain there in the last 2 days, the trails were in unreal shape. :) :)
    We set off through the singles and the headed down parachute, this is where things got interesting, :ohmy: the creek was running at a reasonable pace and it was up a fair bit higher than normal, and bugger me dead if we left our depth sounder at home,(Aaron). :cheer: House was the guinea pig and in he went, all was looking good until he got about 15 foot from the far bank , it got real deep, he made it so I took off next, of course the KTM creamed it. :) :) B) We all got across unscaved but I recon there was some puckered arses half way across, due to the fact of the speed of the water. :pinch: :pinch: :pinch:
    We headed off towards the legendary berry patch for some fuel for both bike and rider. I asked if someone wanted to lead on the way back as I was sick of dodging the local wildlife. We saw a mob of about 10 deer, and a mob of about 18 wild pigs, and 20 kazillion bloody roos. :angry: That hunting in state forests is really working??. :blink: The funniest thing was on the way back we came across a hunters camp and there was 2 blokes there, I done the neighbourly thing and rode into camp and asked if they had seen anything, they said nope not a thing, I said you should buy one of these (pointing to my bike) we see shit loads, and then promptly left to rejoin the crew. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
    The trails back towards the cars were in some of the best shape they have been in for a while, there was heaps of places for house and Damo to try and repay the roost I gave them, but they failed. πŸ˜† House was suffering from some form of poisoning (alcohol poisoning) from the night before so he was a tad on the slow side. :sick:
    The new fella seemed to be having a good time and when he said sorry I`m holding you up, I laughed and said you’re not holding anyone up, we gave up racing 20 years ago, just enjoy the ride mate. ;)
    The ever trust KLX 450 of Damos had speared a radiator hose so he decided to main road it out and Damus and Logan both took the opportunity to leave as well, the remaining 6 cruised out using Buzzes singles back to the car, loaded up and headed for the pub. :) :)

    Thanks to Damus for the sweep job, and to the others thanks for a great day of riding and side splitting laughing.

    some piccies
    Buzz looking real cool

    Me and Buzz just hanging in the forest

    Damus exiting the single

    Paul on the mighty 525

    Shane on his CRF450

    Logan and Damo

    Damo showing off and hitting a tree

    The boys on a stop..check out house in the middle, he was suffering




    Hey Guys, Thanks for having me along on the ‘Nundle Mud Fest’. Great ride and great bunch of blokes.

    I hope to come along again! :woohoo:

    A new ‘old bull’………..LOGAN


    simon burke

    Well done boony :cheer:
    Is was beginning to think you sold your camera for a ktm spare part :P
    nice report roota ;)
    Welcome aboard logan :cheer:
    Look forward to meeting you on the next ride :)
    Bol :woohoo:



    spare parts for the kato Bwhaaaaaaa , you mean a tow rope for hondas. πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

    you missed a good one (again) mate.


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