Management of Public Land – Enquiry

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    Peter Horn

    Yep boring topic title but an important one to us all. With the recent closure of parts of the Watagans here is a timely notice about a Palimentary Committee looking into access to public lands for all sorts of reasons. the Hon Robert Brown (Shooters) has expressed surprise at the l;ack of submission from the off road commmunity (as you can see below) which is a worry given the rest of the committe is made up of Labour (who handed all our State forests to the NPWS) and the Greens (who want the rest of our forests made into no-access Wilderness).
    Our friends the MCC have asked all who can to comment, submissions don’t have to be complex because the weight of numbers (of submissions) is most important (you can bet all those north shore greenie do gooders will be submitting).

    We only have a week left to submit!!!!

    So your choice, I will be making a submission, the more the merrier.
    Info follows …


    [email from MCC]

    Hi folks,

    This Upper House Committee Inquiry, of which I am Chairman, will take submissions from all stakeholders and members of the Public, up until 3rd August. That is only one week away. Submissions to the Inquiry have been a little light-on to date – particularly given the huge amount of emails I have received over the years concerning the management of Public Land in NSW (National Parks; State Forests: Crown Land; Council reserves etc.)
    I would expect therefore to have seen submissions from farmers, beekeepers, fishers, foresters, fossickers, off-road bikers and 4WDers, Local Government….the list goes on.
    Please spread the word as far as you can, and encourage people to HAVE THEIR SAY.
    Details of the Inquiry, can be found at this website……


    or cut and paste


    Simply click on the website, and follow the instructions for making a submission. The site also contains details of
    where and when we will be holding Public Hearings In the Southern Riverina, the North West, New England, North Coast and Sydney.

    We want to hear your views, complaints, accolades, and most importantly, your suggestions on how Public Land Management can be improved in NSW .
    Have a look at the terms of reference attached below.

    Is your access to Public Land less than acceptable ( eg., access to beaches or impoundments for fishing; access to public land for vehicular recreation; access to public land for horse-riding)?

    Are you a neighbour to a Public Land Estate? Do you believe the Public Land Managers are “responsible” neighbours?

    Is your livelihood linked to Public Land ( eg., forestry; beekeeping; tourism; grazing)?

    Do you have a view on the efficiency and competence of Public Land Managers in NSW?

    Do you have any views on the overall “organisation” or “coordination” of PL Management in NSW across the various agencies (Catchment Management Authorities/NPWS/State Forests/ Dept. Lands/LHPAs/Local Government/Public Utilities)?

    Your submissions don’t have to be complicated, simply write to The Committee and offer your ideas and suggestions. If you wish to appear at one of the Public Hearings, please make that request at the conclusion of your submission.

    Robert Brown

    Robert Brown, MLC
    Shooters and Fishers Party
    Parliament House Sydney
    Phone 02 9230 3059
    Internet e-mail:

    [apologies, a gumby site user posted this not all links are live…]



    great idear reckon we should get onto this or nsw will end up like the dubbo area all national parks and nature reservs because a few idiots in sydney wanted it like that .no consideration for the locals



    Great work Iva,
    Yes its boring but yes it’s important,i have made some submissions many years ago together with the 4wd clubs assoc and had to make individuale submissions for every proposed closure that prior to the internet had to be sent by mail.

    Basically what im saying is it was hard to make your case against it and it gets “sneeked” through when we and the other bush users can’t respond easily.

    Enough rambling, it only took about 5 minutes to write a basic submission.




    Thanks Iva. Some good info there. I will put a submission together tonight.



    yep I will do it tonight as well. If your a member of any other forum or bush using group let them know about it as well. I will put it out to the Newtriton forum. ;)




    Here is a link for a partition, from a 4by web site I’m into, just sighn it and hopfuly have some impact.

    Cheers teza.


    Richard W

    I reckon we need to sumbit as a group, but that is turning things a bit political :unsure:


    Done! Submission sent. :)



    i reckon a group thing would be great would help people like me that are not real good at this political bull to put a submission in .if i done it t they would not take any notice of it would not look professional enough for these educated wallys from the city :blink:


    white rocket wrote:
    i reckon a group thing would be great would help people like me that are not real good at this political bull to put a submission in .if i done it t they would not take any notice of it would not look professional enough for these educated wallys from the city :blink:

    Same as that Rocket,,,just click on this link ,and fill in the boxes. At least it is geting the numbers.



    just done it teza but i reckon we need to take our nature reserves back forren owned companys can mine them or put quarrys in them and trash the place .but you can not go for a ride or camp with the kids or cut a load of fire wood they shut the local saw mill down its just wrong.there just keeping all the wood for the next bush fire it will be a good one .




    yep why not will give you something to do hay axel.its great for maken tracks :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    Peter Horn

    For those of us struggling with words, here is the outline of my submission (which you may or may not agree with !!) which you can cut and paste and add your own thoughts into.
    Better to make a submission and be counted than to let the opportunity slip and watch our Grandkids circulate in the back yard (if thier lucky) cause there is nowhere else to ride!! :(

    To the Committee

    I would like to provide a submission to the NSW Public Land Management Inquiry specifically with respect to recreational access.

    The main issues as I see them are:
    1. Reduction in areas available to off road users concentrates impacts and causes exponential damage.
    2. There are key issues that create the situations/scenarios that lead to trail damage as follows:
    • Lack of user education
    • Lack of input by land managers
    • Lack of planning of recreational land use
    • Lack of facilities and government spend on public lands

    The answers, or my proposed answers:
    1. Commitment by Government to managing these areas not locking people out and pretending that this will result in environmental protection when there is no weed or feral management and facilities are not in place for bushfire management.
    2. Use planning that is flexible with tracks/areas rested and where possible users segregated by time or distance.
    3. Education of users to help protect the Public Land assets and provide a framework to allow policing of use.
    4. Recreational users to pay for use to allow funding of education, facilities, policing, maintenance and planning (much like the successful Recreational Fishing Licence Scheme).
    5. Engagement with the users associations to gain knowledge and assistance with track maintenance, management and planning. Many organisations are keen to help, my connection with off-road motorcycle clubs and organisations supports this.

    I’d be happy to assist with the development of draft management outcomes for Public Land if that would assist the committee.



    Gary Newnham

    Been seein this same S**T since the 70s when we first went into the bush on bikes, nothing changes with the PRIC*S in Canberra or Sydney. :angry:
    I was a founding member of the AMTRA in the mid 70s and we were discussing this same issue then.
    I did both a submission and the Save the Bush Petition.
    Can’t hurt.
    Get all your friends to sign and submit, no matter what there into!

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