
This topic contains 11 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  TheBoss 12 years, 7 months ago.

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    I have come to the conclusion that you shouldn’t drink a 6 pack of scotches after getting smashed by a personal trainer as it tends to go straight to your head, but it certainly numbs the pain, oh the pain…



    It’s been a while since I was into the gym … but, I’m fairly sure that Scotch isn’t on the “take six of these immediately after training list”! :laugh:


    Adrian Lee

    Sort of defeats the purpose of training doesn’t it Chris :laugh:


    Steve Wyeth

    In training for the mystery tour ride already mate!? Fitness is something you’re going to need because you will be picking your bike up and I won’t be helping! :D


    It’s all about balance :cheer:
    I do nine gym sessions each fortnight and drink like a fish inbetween B)



    Peter Horn

    Screw training, I used to do that and it sucked, I actually sobered up once!
    Can it and spend more time drinkin’ :side:


    hydrate or DIE :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Peter Horn

    Hey ADMIN, this probably belongs in the Bull Pit … if not now then very shortly….


    Peter Horn

    Comon Menace, why do you think they list alcohol percentages on our drinks?
    So we can work out how well hydrated we are by the water thats left after the alcohol of course!


    Its called carbo loading.. stay away from “low carb’ beers.. it always gets messy


    Iva wrote:
    Hey ADMIN, this probably belongs in the Bull Pit … if not now then very shortly….

    It’s fine where it is.


    Peter Horn

    Sorry, thought this thread was for G*y Activities, didn’t realise Chris72a had little umbrellas in his scotches …………. my mistake.

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