What did you do to your bike today?

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    Steve Wyeth

    Always good to see what blokes are doing to their rides, so, what did you do to your bike today?

    I dropped the oil in mine this morning and have left it to drain until i get home later. I’ll also give her a bit more of a check over. New front wheel bearings are dissapointingly required at 750Km though.

    I went to fit my new blue anodised clutch lever and man it’s a pain in the arse on the Magura set-up. Top quality bit of kit but not a simple swap over like the Brembo unit.



    Not today because im at sea, but Sunday I pulled off the entire front End in readyness to fit my new Showa CRF250X forks,wheel,and Brakes. One of the bolts securing my handle bar clamps was seized and I had to in the end use a die grinder to remove the head of the high tensile Bolt :blink: wont use loctite on those puppies again. :blush:

    I also fitted the EGO bark busters correctly on the XR




    Stared at it, sat on it and made broom-broom noises while pretending I just won Monster Energy Supercross (been watching waaaay too much YouTube lately) …. all this on my way out the door to work, still in friggin Sydney for the next two weeks :sick:

    On the bright side all my tools and stuff have started arriving :) Kincrome stuff from Chris, Motion Plus stuff from AdventureMoto etc etc.

    Ordered some of the folding levers to replace stock on the weekend for brake and clutch, sounds like they’re a bugger to install now though !!


    Steve Wyeth

    Folding levers might be different. Depends if they have the adjuster supplied with them or not. The anodized blue clutch lever is a like for repalcment but it requires you to swap the adjuster over. To remove the adjsuter you need to punch out a 1-2mm cotter pin holding it in place and also a 6-8mm buch on on levers fulcrum.

    The big bush is easy, just puch it out with a suitable sized socket, the cotter pin looked much more fiddly and I was doing it the night before a ride so I just left it be for the time being.



    Hmmm, not sure … they’re both ASV F3 “unbreakable” (we’ll see how that goes) and listed for the KTM and Berg 250, 300 etc.


    I am at work today but I rode the WR yesterday and changed the oil and filter on the Tenere.


    Dwayne O

    Bike ??? DO I own a bike ???
    Unsure,, haven`t even looked for a fortnight or more :whistle: :unsure:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Gave the XR a good wash yesterday after 15 days of torture it needed it….. today I’m just happy to look at it and walk away….. Maybe the BMW will get a work out over the next couple of weeks doing some Latte riding rather than getting dirty.



    just picked up my new thor procircuit jersy &pants and jd jet kit for the cr from the post office ready for the lakes mx memorial weekend


    Matt Baker

    I rode my bike in the bush.

    Just needs a wash and chain adjusted and its ready to go for next time.


    Dwayne O
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Bike ??? DO I own a bike ???
    Unsure,, haven`t even looked for a fortnight or more :whistle: :unsure:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Well it turns out I still DO still own a bikeike :laugh:
    Just went downstairs, had a peep & it`s still there

    Might get it out on the dirt on the weekend ;)

    Ollie wrote:
    Not today because im at sea, but Sunday I pulled off the entire front End in readyness to fit my new Showa CRF250X forks,wheel,and Brakes. One of the bolts securing my handle bar clamps was seized and I had to in the end use a die grinder to remove the head of the high tensile Bolt :blink: wont use loctite on those puppies again. :blush:

    I also fitted the EGO bark busters correctly on the XR


    Nice one Ollie,

    You are going to love those Showa’s. I spent a shitload of money to get my WR forks dialled and my Showa’s are as good if not better stock!!!



    simon burke

    i stared at the puddle of oil below it…thought to myself “F#@$ it ” and went to work :huh:

    Maybe they were Honda tears ? Because i haven’t ridden it for so long :blink:

    Bol :woohoo:


    Ollie wrote:
    Not today because im at sea, but Sunday I pulled off the entire front End in readyness to fit my new Showa CRF250X forks,wheel,and Brakes. Ollie

    To what Ollie your Gas Gas? Or the XR?




    i looked at my bike and thought stuff it better cut some wood to keep the peice i will wash it and change the air filter and see what went crack when the starter motor stopped working two weeks ago. should show it some simpathy its done 4 days hard riding n the last two weeks

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