Operation ‘IT’ is a go!

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    Steve Wyeth

    Will I complete this one? Will it become a million pieces to add to the other millions of pieces in my bike cemetery? So many questions, so little time but a start has been made……



    Steve Wyeth



    Steve Wyeth

    When two become 1 :P




    Wow, there’s a lot of work. Good luck!


    Awesome project, should be able to piece together one good one from the two. If you are chasing parts I come across a wrecker down here in Londondery that specialise in old bikes and had quite a few IT’s, PE’s, XT’s, XL and the like. They have a massive indoor warehouse that is well set out. I wandered around the place just checking shit out for hours. I had photo’s but can’t find them. Website here http://www.oldgoldmotorcycles.com.au

    Are you gonna do some viduros on it when its done Moto?


    Steve Wyeth

    Thanks for the link Scotty, may come in handy. I have most parts I think but there are a few missing and few beyond repair, some bits are still usable but not in the condition I’d want for the resto so will be replaced one way or the other.

    The intention is to do some Vinduro and VMX. Once this bike is running it may become my girlfriends bike and I may look for a bigger bike to resto for me :D

    Its down to the frame now, I’ll post an update pic later, off to the Paxton pub for lunch :)



    A mate of mine in Wodonga (that I used to race with) has really peaked my interest recently by trying to get me into some VMX. He’s into it in a big way with a classic and immaculate CR125 (whatever the last model was with the down pipe).

    He went up to SE Qld the other week for some big VMX event, sent me video’s and photo’s all day to piss me off :angry: including this one (below) of Glen Bell on his killer CR500.

    Apparently the rules may be changing soon to be pre-90 instead of the current pre-86 (I think), so I’m on the lookout for a CR250rk ’89 model soon I reckon. Getting back into some MX would be awesome. :woohoo:



    Steve Wyeth
    razzle wrote:
    Apparently the rules may be changing soon to be pre-90 instead of the current pre-86 (I think), so I’m on the lookout for a CR250rk ’89 model soon I reckon. Getting back into some MX would be awesome. :woohoo:

    There are already pleny of pre 90 VMX events/series around. See here for example. So, go forth and purchase while that credit card is still getting a workout 😆

    Nice CR your mate has by the way. I liked it so much I’ve just put a spontaneous eBay bid on a 86 CR125 at Mudgee :silly: I don’t know how I’m going to pick it up if I win though :huh:


    moto wrote:
    So, go forth and purchase while that credit card is still getting a workout 😆

    Nice CR your mate has by the way. I liked it so much I’ve just put a spontaneous eBay bid on a 86 CR125 at Mudgee :silly: I don’t know how I’m going to pick it up if I win though :huh:

    I’m on the lookout for the CR250 (credit card on standby) but haven’t found a good one yet.

    I’ve got a couple of friends in Mudgee that might be able to help you out with the pickup (if you win).


    Mike Wyeth

    Shit Stevo there’s a lot of work there to make a good ‘un :huh:

    Hope Tyne ‘s not in a hurry to get back on a bike :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Dammit! Just read the details from the link you posted for the upcoming “Mr Vintage Mister Motocross 2012” in October …. I’m in China then so I can’t go watch :angry:

    “Why, oh why does work have to get in the way of having a LIFE”!

    So cant wait for this year to be OVER.


    good work Moto.

    you have a bloody big job ahead of you mate ;)

    lets just hope you dont have to “bog” anything up :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    and where is ‘el moto loco’ hiding :whistle:




    I have a going IT 250 that I bought in 1986..
    I found this site good for finding out part numbers


    Most of the mechanical parts for these old bikes are still available ex Yamaha .. at a price. However the plastics & other pretty parts are hard to find or get.


    Steve Wyeth

    Thanks Polly, I have found a few sites that sell quite a few parts, mostly OS. I bought some new fork gaiters from my local Yamaha dealer and they said they can get most bits, quite surprising!

    There is a fair bit of work to be done but unlike El >moto< Loco this bike is simple to work on……..how hard can it be? :D These are practice projects working upto El >moto< Loco :P

    Frame is off to be sandblasted this week, if I wasn’t at Bobs next weekend I’d be starting fit parts back onto it……..well, maybe anyway :D

    I have found a plastics kit for $290 delivered. Pricey but it will really make the bike look good. I just need to resto the tank then.

    Other bigger jobs will be pulling the wheels and fork down and swapping them over, cleaning up the fork legs (horrible job) and cleaning up to the engine and swingarm.

    It’s all about time and money, unfortunately for Tyne I have neither :D :D :D


    Mick D

    To resto the tank , start with a light sanding with some wet and dry, then some fine steel wool and finish it off by polishing it with smooth peanut butter. Google it if you don’t believe me)

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