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This topic contains 23 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adam Rodgers 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi everyone

    I live in the Hornbsy area, started with a road bike … went for a dirt bike ride and decided i wanted a dirt bike … went on a Harley ride day with a group of friends and decided i wanted a Harley … bit all over the place really just like riding :blink: … but anyway what i have is a BMW GS 650 … figured it was a compromise … have just started messing around on the dirt roads on it. I didnt mind riding the road rides by myself actually kind of enjoyed it but figure that isnt the best approach on the dirt.

    But to sum it up ….. limited skills off road / maximum enthusiasm :) so keen as to go on a few adventure bike rides!




    Welcome Rach our own Kat girl lives near you and she has a 650 bemmer as well as a CFR an XR :laugh:

    Doesn’t matter what you ride or where I reckon just as long as you ride and have fun

    Enjoy the site



    Hey Rach. welcome to Old Bulls. Great to see another lady with a passion for riding bikes both on the dirt and tar. I use to live in Hornsby but now in Artarmon. As TB has shared I love all sorts of riding so have a few different bikes to manage my passion. My favourite type of riding is adventure riding with camping involved on my XR400 but the bike is being rebuilt at the moment after flogging it on the APC Rally. So the BMW650 is getting a work out on the tar at the moment. Would love to meet up for a ride. I have done lots of adventure style riding north of you so have lots of tracks to share….. And a few good pub stops. I’ll PM you with my mobile details if you want to hook up for a day ride.



    simon burke

    Hi Rach
    Welcome to Old Bulls :)
    GS 650 a great bike.Has been know to out drag Teneres..two at the same time actually :P
    Hook up with Kat,she likes riding as much as TB likes rum :cheer:
    Cu about :)

    Bol :woohoo:

    KING BOLLOCKS wrote:
    Hook up with Kat,she likes riding as much as TB likes rum :cheer:

    Bol :woohoo:

    Ha ha… K Bol …. the problem I’ve got is I like both… Rum and Riding… and to do them at the same time makes for an entertaining experience for those that like to watch!!. :woohoo:

    Kat 👿



    Hey Bol, don’t the GS’s do doughnuts around bogged DR’s as well ?

    Welcome to the site Rach, catch you on a ride.




    Thanks for welcome, not sure if should do a quick brush up on my riding skills or rum drinking skills :laugh:

    Kat I sent you a PM with mobile number, looking forward to seeing you all on a ride.



    Welcome aboard Rach!
    I am sure you will have a ball with Kat on your 650.
    She has skills whether holding onto bars or sitting in them :laugh:





    Ok update to my intro …….. have worked out what type of riding i like the most …. I now have a KTM 350 excf which I am loving! So look out anyone posting up grade 2/3 rides around the wattagans, ourimbah etc cause i will definately be there :)



    GDay Rach,

    Welcome to OBT, it is a fantastic site with alot of great people,awesome riding knowledge amongst the crew and also very helpful with Technical questions.

    Your bike of choice is brilliant KTM350EXC it will suit you well,and there are quite a few rides that go into The Watagans also.

    See you on the trails.



    Hey Rach….. Nice new toy you got there…..

    We will be doing some riding over the two week Xmas break with the goal to improve my technical skills…… Mick will need a stiff drink each night. I’m bring up my CRF 230 for a blast…. Even thinking of taking the bikes to Bellbird Pub and doing some singles around Kitchener. I would be great to have another chic around for the giggles….




    Hey Kat

    I am around over xmas break and would definately be keen to tag along for a ride …… I am interested in establishing some technical skills :-)




    Hey rach
    Welcome aboard
    the few rides i have been on with the obt crew have been awesome,
    You will find everyone very welcoming and helpful.

    Great to see another girl riding,
    It might even get me out of MY comfort zone,
    and get out on some more rides if more girls are riding,
    and lower graded rides are on offer!

    Well welcome again, and anytime your up kurri kurri way,
    Or keen for a ride, let me know and we will tee something up



    kim skerritt

    Hey Rach and Kat

    I’m keen to go for a ride dirt or tar, I have a ducati 620 and a Honda crf230. Let me know if your interested.




    Hi Kim

    As Alyssa mentioned there aren’t alot of lower grade rides around, I have someone showing me a nice easy loop at the Wattagans once i have it sorted i will post up a grade 2/3 ride and fingers crossed remember where the hell i am meant to go! :)


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