YouTube tip

This topic contains 16 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Dwayne O 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    With the amount of video showing up on the site I thought I would throw together a quick tutorial for YouTube. Only basic stuff but it may help some enjoy the content more.




    Good stuff mate thanks for sharing




    thanks STM great idea , now while we are on the subject do you reckon you could do a tutorial like this on ho to put gopro footage up on the website ive got the hang of the photos on here but still trying to work the vids out and seeing it actually done in front of you is a great idea

    huskybloke wrote:
    thanks STM great idea , now while we are on the subject do you reckon you could do a tutorial like this on ho to put gopro footage up on the website ive got the hang of the photos on here but still trying to work the vids out and seeing it actually done in front of you is a great idea

    No problem mate,

    I will put something together tomorrow night and post it up.



    Hey huskybloke,

    I am just loading up that ‘How to”for you. It will be here in the next 30 mins.




    thats sensational STM will have a go at this on the weekend when ive got a bit of time up my sleeve but straight away ive trying to up load from photo gallery so will sort a file out and my next question would be about the editing ( as im only doing MX at the moment im not game enought to take my hands off the handlebar to turn the camera on off to cut the crap out) give me aweek to get ontop of this , im sure im not the only one who is interested in this subject , and again thanks for showing us what to do



    ok i have that sorted , my next question is can you edit out bits of your gopro footage



    Hey Ian

    Have you got windows or a mac ?




    windows vista pete



    On YouTube page, click upload then in the next window it will show you the box where you can drag and drop videos
    under that it will mention that you movies should be no longer than 15 minute,
    click on the link to extend your limit,
    it will ask to verify who you are and ask to send an sms a verification code to your phone
    do this ( its safe and will only take a second )
    punch in the code and your done. B)



    cheers pete



    No worries mate, look forward to seeing the footage B)



    Thanks STM, just started a utube account so I can get the footage of Eagle’s XR lap onto OBT :whistle:


    Dwayne O
    Trailraider wrote:
    Thanks STM, just started a utube account so I can get the footage of Eagle’s XR lap onto OBT :whistle:

    I`m looking forward to that !!!
    That little beast was a hoot to ride, despite the lack of stopping power 😆

    It helped me to win the Poker Run too ,,,, I reckon if I had to do that extra lap on the 690 I would have pulled the pin early B)

    5 Laps on the 690 and 1 Lap on the Little Red Beast

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