Central West Forests CLOSED due to severe weather conditions

Home Forums Press Releases Press Releases Central West Forests CLOSED due to severe weather conditions

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Alex 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    I received a call from the local forestry informing our local DSMRA riders that the forests in the Maquarie region will be closed for the weekend.

    I thought I would let everyone know. It a $2200 fine if your caught in a closed forest. There will be signs up at some enterie to the forest but there is a lot of forest and they are trying to contact all users and spread the word.

    See attached flyer.


    Dwayne O

    Good info there Mal ;)

    Reminds me to check before my usual Early Sunday morning ride. :whistle:
    Have been planning to try & get one in each week for the next couple of months and the weather is looking like doing it`s best to stuff that idea :dry:

    5.00am ride start times rock :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    Yep,,, DAMN,,,
    Wattos and Hunter Forests closed till Monday :(

    Maybe a sickie wold be the go :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:



    Fair enough. It’s not worth the risk of fire.
    I helped with a grass fire today. 41C and a dhead thought it would be smart to slash around his house to keep the “really super dry 2 foot grass” nice and low for protection against fire. All it took was a rock to spark and 50 acres went up. 15 odd trucks and 2 water bombing planes later 3 houses and sheds saved.
    Stay at home people and watch TV in the aircon.

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