A 60’s Education !!!

This topic contains 11 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Snowden 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #102350

    Nick Jackson

    I bet a blokes reaction is very different to a girls reaction on this bit of education !!! :D



    simon burke

    Nick….is that the husband hanging the clothes on the line ? :huh:
    If its the wife…i would have stayed on the train if i was him !!! :pinch:

    P.S. send it on to Clover Moore :laugh:



    Nick Jackson
    KING BOLLOCKS wrote:
    Nick….is that the husband hanging the clothes on the line ? :huh:
    If its the wife…i would have stayed on the train if i was him !!! :pinch:

    P.S. send it on to Clover Moore :laugh:


    :laugh: :laugh:

    She was probably quite a catch back in the day Bol :kiss:


    Bet she didn’t earn any coin either!
    You can’t fully bling your bike on just one wage :laugh:



    Love the term sexual congress. Sounds like an American government orgy. If you had to look at that Sheila the morning after and she was lying on your arm you’d cut your arm off before you woke her.


    If you drink 5 beers and close your right eye “she” looks like Boony!! :laugh:



    Matt Baker

    If that ugly mole obeyed all the rules outline in the article I’d marry her, especially when it comes to “the more unusual practices” :ohmy: :ohmy:


    Mick D
    singletrackmind wrote:
    If you drink 5 beers and close your right eye “she” looks like Boony!! :laugh:


    Close your left eye and she still looks like Boony!! :laugh:

    LC4skin wrote:
    If that ugly mole obeyed all the rules outline in the article I’d marry her, especially when it comes to “the more unusual practices” :ohmy: :ohmy:

    Sorry of didn’t realise that you and your hand had got divorced!



    Shit yeah,Try that one on an Aussie Shela,Nick.
    My wife still dont listen,think they should be more edumucated by now,40 odd years on.



    Matt Baker
    snowy09 wrote:
    LC4skin wrote:
    If that ugly mole obeyed all the rules outline in the article I’d marry her, especially when it comes to “the more unusual practices” :ohmy: :ohmy:

    Sorry of didn’t realise that you and your hand had got divorced!

    Divorced the right trying the left for awhile :laugh: :laugh: :sick: :sick:


    If you we’re married LC I could understand that but your single and your quick enough to catch that girl unlike the rest of us. Show some spirit. Get on your bike and go after her if it fails you can always go back to Bob

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