Home Forums Tech Help Tech Help RMX CDI

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Bernie H 12 years ago.

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  • #102515

    Bernie H

    Need a CDI for a RMX250s 98 model. Popped one while fault finding the Regulator. Do an other models work? Is there a reasonably priced After Market one? Doing the Wreckers thing ATM. Any help welcome.


    Mick D

    What exactly do you mean “popped one” Did it smoke and carry on? Do you have no spark at all now? If so give it a whack on the back of it with a screw driver and see if you can get spark then, if so you maybe able to rescue it.



    you may have to do a cross reference check google is your friend (something like alpha suzuki comes to mind) might be lucky with 95-98 RM250 :unsure:

    When I bought my RMX it already had the CDI changed out by the previous owner, I might have a lead on a near complete RMX for you as well I will get back to you when I find out.




    Burnsy check your PM ‘s ;)




    OK Burnsey Hope your sitting down :laugh: From an Australian online suzuki dealer and if the part number is correct (32900-44E6 ?) then its going to cost $915 :ohmy:

    best to make a phone call to a local Suzi dealer and make sure the part number is correct

    The US site I was thinking of is Alpha – sports most of the CDI’s I saw on there were in the mid $500 dollar range as well



    Bernie H

    Good news (for me anyway) is a wreckers just got back to me and says he’s picking up a 99 model on Fri that’s had a front ender. They are getting rarer.
    Thanks Ollie but to far away. Yep $900+ for genuine. Saw some after market race ones from $600 to $900.
    Or ebay ones for $25. Scarey. But there’s only $1 worth of electronics in it, no matter how much you charge.

    Micknmeld, what I mean by popped is my regulator went high, 21volts and the CDI no longer works. checked on a mates bike. No Spark. I did bang it too.

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