He is the king because

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This topic contains 14 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Geoff Forshaw 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    Pre running today we got to Nundle and one of the guys needed fuel xt660r small tank no worries Nundle has fuel. Fail! Nundle is out of fuel, now the remaining bikes all only had enough fuel to get us back to where we planned to fuel and all of those bikes are fuel injected so getting fuel from them is a little harder than a carby setup. A quick call to the king aka Bollocks and bang 20 litres of fuel hand delivered from Tamworth. We could off worked around it, could of done something but didn’t need to as he said I will take care of it. I say to you people a worthy King a great Old bull a good bloke. Many talk the talk but this man walks the walk.

    Hail the king


    Thanks for taking the time and helping us out mate



    Adrian Lee

    Well done king,that really is the stuff royalty is made of.


    Mick D

    There’s the Old Bull spirit right there. Good onya Bollocks!


    I have been telling them for ages that you were a good bloke mate, maybe now they will start to believe me :D.

    Goo on ya mate ;)



    Well done Bollocks




    Amy Harburg

    Long live the KING!!!

    Thanks a million for helping us out Bollocks, and great to see you again.



    must have beeb beer involved as a bribe!


    Nick Jackson

    Nice work Bol ;) Nundle is a fair drive from your place , awesome job mate !!



    Dwayne O

    All Hail the KING :woohoo:

    Great work Boll, You the Man ;)
    The Nundle pumps copped a flogging last weekend with the Easter crowds I think :whistle:


    simon burke

    Bloody hell tb :blush: :blush: :blush:
    Any old bull would have done the same B)
    Except maybe snowy as he can’t seen to drag himself away from the mirror :P
    Well worth trip to see you guys and check out your awesome bikes :cheer:
    Had a laugh to myself on the way home,
    I just visited a wood duck,a fish and a frog :laugh:

    Bol :woohoo:



    Ur a crack up Bol :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    KING BOLLOCKS wrote:
    Bloody hell tb :blush: :blush: :blush:
    Any old bull would have done the same B)
    Except maybe snowy as he can’t seen to drag himself away from the mirror :P
    Well worth trip to see you guys and check out your awesome bikes :cheer:
    Had a laugh to myself on the way home,
    I just visited a wood duck,a fish and a frog :laugh:

    Bol :woohoo:

    That’s the tamvegas spirit right there. Well done Bolls. Did you call into Dungy for a cild one on the up and back mate.

    Anyone stuck around these necks of the woods just needs to ring, there is always someone willing to lend a hand.



    Good on ya Bol, top effort B)



    Nothing but praise for the king.After a support car breaking down,causing said driver to lose comfy bed for the trip to Burke,quick call to boll and a swag was ready to go.Thanks again mate.Ps think me pocket knife could be rolled up in swag,if you could have a look.
    Thanks again for the lend,Didnt even soil myself in it I think.

    Boll even gave me his hotline so I cane send messages anytime,Cheers mate


    Yeah great stuff there KING Bol!! ;)

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