Who rode before they could walk

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    jim cady

    Hey everyone,
    I have been riding now for a couple years and having a blast in the process :woohoo:,I know my ability has improved since I rolled that mighty TTR250 off my trailer one very excited Saturday arvo a few winters ago.When I look back at that moment I cant help but laugh as that bike actually scared me although I did think I was the business :laugh: :laugh: .
    Learning to ride at my age 46/44 at that stage was and still is interesting to say the least,fuelled by a midlife crisis but hampered by self preservation and wisdom coming from an older head on my shoulders.
    Since joining OBT and viewing everybodys antics I cant help but feel envious of the skill and mechanical knowledge SOME :laugh: :laugh: of you display through vids and stories etc on the site.
    I have two young boys 6 and 8 who unlike me are fortunate enough to have little dirt bikes themselves :woohoo: Now they are definitely no future superstars,they don’t even ride that often, tend to be a bit hot and cold like kids are,but the saying ducks to water definitely does apply.
    With an old man such as me who knows next to nothing on the topic and as such cant really point them in the right direction with technique and the like its amazing to watch them progress and develop naturally.
    Recent posts, Singletrackminds retro bike shot and Twobangers current situation hope you find a solution mate ;) got me thinking on just how much of a lifestyle choice rather than just a sport this thing is.
    So as the title implies I was wondering just how much experience OLDBULLS has as a collective, and once again I am envious of those of you that got to ride before they could walk.


    Dwayne O

    Well your not talking about me James,,,
    I only got my first bike (XR250) at age 39, some 5and a half years ago :laugh:

    I think I have learnt a hell of a lot in my time since though after hooking up with these blokes ;)


    jim cady

    Not talking about anyone in particular EAGS,just the site as a whole there is obviously years of experience out there and was just curious as to who has been riding for as long as they can remember.

    By the sounds of things your storys not to unlike mine mate although I will give you the benefit of the doubt and discount the midlife crisis 😆

    Just wish I had that instinctive feel for it,developed over years and years from a young age.


    Dwayne O

    I`m hearing ya mate !!!

    And yeah,,, there was and “STILL IS” a “CRISIS” happening !!!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Got my first bike when I was 10 years old, Nagged the old man for a year & convinced him that I needed it for irrigation duties on the farm 😆 Yamaha MX 80 :laugh: The only two stroke I have ever owned.
    The 1982 XR250 RE Twin Carb still has my favorite memories on the farm. B) The deal was if you could start it you were allowed to ride it 👿 Needless to say no one got to ride it ;)

    Faaaark I’m Old :blink:


    jim cady
    tryhard wrote:
    Got my first bike when I was 10 years old, Nagged the old man for a year & convinced him that I needed it for irrigation duties on the farm 😆 Yamaha MX 80 :laugh: The only two stroke I have ever owned.
    The 1982 XR250 RE Twin Carb still has my favorite memories on the farm. B) The deal was if you could start it you were allowed to ride it 👿 Needless to say no one got to ride it ;)

    Faaaark I’m Old :blink:

    Dare say whatever it was that your family farm produced Tryhard was over watered by you and the little MX 80, ;) Thanks for sharing a bit of your bike history


    Mick D

    My Old man hated bikes, (still does), so no bike for me as a kid. My first bike, was a 1965 Suzuki Sportsman k15, 80cc of blistering power.

    I found it in a ditch behind a truck workshop when I was 14.
    The owner of the workshop said I could have it and we wheeled it 2kms home and spent a day or two getting it to go. It went like beauty for two days before it really shat its dacks and melted the piston to the bore.

    My uncle then loaned me a 1975 DT100B and took me to Hungry Creek with it every now and then.


    My most vivid memory on that bike was doing a trail loop at Hungry Creek and a bloke over took me going up a hill and near blew my head off with rocks as I only had an open faced helmet on. Later that day, I got to meet him and it was a factory rider by the name of Pelle Granquist, a pretty famous rider in those days! I was hooked then!

    AS soon as I was old enough to get my L plates, the dirt bikes went out the window and I got a Kawasaki Z250 that wouldn’t pull the skin off a rice custard so I purchased a brand new RD250LC that did its best to kill me. After several run ins with cars, I rebirthed it as a pretty tricked up RD350LC that I have visions of doing some production racing at Oran Park,

    that never happened so I swapped it for a GPZ1100. Then a 20 year break away from bikes saw me cutting around on a CRF450R and a 2 Stroke KTM250SX that I have visions of racing (dumb idea at 40 years old!) It turned out MX wasn’t for me, so I got myself a XR600 to do trail riding on then the XR650R. That’s my bike riding history in a nut shell.


    C’mon Mick
    Next you’ll be trying to convince us the pic of that strapping young bloke was you??? :ohmy: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Did like your choice in roadies though as I also owned a GPZ1100 fuel injected weapon for a while. 👿



    Mick D
    Murph the surf wrote:
    C’mon Mick
    Next you’ll be trying to convince us the pic of that strapping young bloke was you??? :ohmy: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Did like your choice in roadies though as I also owned a GPZ1100 fuel injected weapon for a while. 👿


    Was it like this one Murph?



    Sort of Mick
    I think mine had a digital tank readout, a four into one pipe that I thought was on the RH side and a bit more poofy fairing around the nose and it was red, so it must of been fast. :laugh: :laugh:
    Can’t quite remember the year model but would suggest around 84
    Gotta admitt I only owned it for a short while when I was working down Lithgow
    Damn thing would of killed me if I had it too long. :whistle: :blush: :ohmy:


    jim cady

    Twenty year break in the middle Mick,thats quite some time away from it.Did the skills come back quickly be a lot harder than in the early days 😆


    james wrote:
    Twenty year break in the middle Mick,thats quite some time away from it.Did the skills come back quickly

    No :laugh: he crashed yesterday not that you would know here he posted on FB but :P Sore shoulder I believe :pinch:



    I unfortunately also couldn’t get a bike till I was old enough to buy it and get it around myself, so at 18 I got the old XL250, think it was a ’76 model, steel tank, real low to the ground, heavy as all hell.
    What a weapon :laugh:
    Never really rode much till a mate joined oyster bay mcc and I progressed to a XR 200, then XR 250.
    I raced (more like struggled to finish) with them for a while.
    Once I bought a house the racing/struggling stopped and for around 15 years its was once or twice a year weekend away until I could afford to go more often.

    Now its – get outta my way I’m going trail riding / struggling :cheer: once or twice a month between taking the kids to our property for a ride.

    Older kid is hot and cold, middle one is always keen but a bit of a struggler too ;)
    Little fella (4) just loves being doubled around all day, cant get him off the bike or quad!!


    jim cady
    Trailraider wrote:
    I unfortunately also couldn’t get a bike till I was old enough to buy it and get it around myself, so at 18 I got the old XL250, think it was a ’76 model, steel tank, real low to the ground, heavy as all hell.
    What a weapon :laugh:
    Never really rode much till a mate joined oyster bay mcc and I progressed to a XR 200, then XR 250.
    I raced (more like struggled to finish) with them for a while.
    Once I bought a house the racing/struggling stopped and for around 15 years its was once or twice a year weekend away until I could afford to go more often.

    Now its – get outta my way I’m going trail riding / struggling :cheer: once or twice a month between taking the kids to our property for a ride.

    Older kid is hot and cold, middle one is always keen but a bit of a struggler too ;)
    Little fella (4) just loves being doubled around all day, cant get him off the bike or quad!!

    I am over the doubling stage luckily as my youngest once nearly took us both out with a reverse headbutt to the face,him with a helmet me without as he was sitting in front of me.Little buggar had a hissy fit and threw himself backwards cause I didn’t go down the trail he wanted to :laugh:


    :laugh: :laugh:
    sorry James but had to have a chuckle – young fella has nearly got me a few times too!

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