Wet Trails at Wallaroo 20 April 2013

Home Forums Ride Reports Wet Trails at Wallaroo 20 April 2013

This topic contains 8 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Paul Boland 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    Paul Boland

    Well, five riders met up as planned, and the first thing was to decide whether to gear up or not, due to the light drizzle falling at the time and the unfavourable weather forecast. :(

    After debating the topic for several minutes it was decided to hit the trails and cut the ride short if it got heavy. No sooner had we headed off and the drizzle stopped. It returned from time to time throughout the morning but not enough to be a nuisance.

    You missed a good ride Jeffro, you Fair Weather Biker! :laugh:

    Jonesa lead for most of the ride, being the one with the local knowledge. Young Hamish90 hadn’t had much wet trail experience, becoming more intimate with some of the bog holes early in the ride, but he soon learnt the do’s and the don’ts. His snotty rocky hill climbing skills also improved throughout the day.

    A good day out thanks Jonesa. Here are some pics




    Glad you boys had a good day out.

    I was planning on riding out and back rather than trailer it. The idea of riding there and back in the rain didn’t appeal, especially with a per-employment medical coming up on Tuesday.



    yes the local boys in blue were busy they got a couple of local s coming back from wallaroo to seaham today unregistered
    havent rode out at the 3Rs (rocks , ruts ,and roots) for about 2 years theres plenty of trails out there in a small area to be had


    Adrian Gale

    Nice RR and sweet pics.

    No dust on that ride.

    No rego/ no ride



    Looks like a good day out, I like the GPS overlays gotta try that one day.


    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Nice RR and sweet pics.

    No dust on that ride.

    No rego/ no ride

    totally agree theres enough riding anyway on track and pony xpress to keep you busy if you go the unregistered path



    Nice report TW as per usual.

    We’ll have to catch up sometime soon for a ride.


    Matt Jones


    Thanks for everyone who came on ride and thank you TW for being our photographer/reporter for the day
    It was a great day out in the rain with no injuries, flats or brakedowns with a good mix of riders and trails cant wait for the next one.

    Cheers Matt


    Paul Boland

    Yeh, HuskyBloke, the boys in blue told us of the two kids they caught on unregistered bikes on the tar. Let them off with a warning apparently. The cops were actually nice blokes and hung around for a while for a chat (while we finished off our beers). The tricky bit was to take a photo of them without them realising. I think I got away with it.
    btw I like your name of the place. Three Rs is dead right.

    Hey Wally Boy – long time no see. Will have to meet up on the trails soon.

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