My kids rabbits !!

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    simon burke

    Just thought i would share this with you all as it amuses me to no end :laugh:

    I have two daughters Willamina (10) and Eva (5).Anyway,the girls wanted pet rabbits…pet bloody rabbits???I have had no experience with pet rabbits before apart from as a kid chasing after them and generally scaring the shit out of them with my spotlight and stray bullets :cheer:
    Anyways, 4 fluffy male bunnies (don’t want to starta rabbit colony) were bought off one of my daughters mates and the worst looking rabbit hutch you have ever seen off Gumtree..DODGEY!!!
    Their names were…Fizzy…CoCo..Brownie and Chilly :huh:
    4 fluffy bunnies that grew…and grew…and grew :ohmy:
    Soooo…dad decides he has to build a “rabbit stadium”…Now dads not a builders arsehole but this thing i ended up creating is 10m x 10m.Took me bloody weeks.(and its pretty bloody cool if i do so say myself)
    Just before the “rabbit stadium ” is ready my brother and his kids come around for lunch.4 kids and 4 bunnies playing happily on the grass.
    My brother owns a Husky(dog..not bike) and he bought the bloody thing to my place that day :angry: ..Husky pops head around corner…sees bunnies and with great joy decides to eat one of them there and then :ohmy: …Daaaaad…Whistler is eating Chilly !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wooded cross,coffin and burial service done.

    3 rabbits left

    3 days later…Brownie..the Brown rabbit :huh: ..bolts!!!
    grid search around the paddock around the house for 3 result :(

    2 rabbits left

    Fizzy and CoCo are having a ball in the “rabbit stadium” darting here and there,flicking their tails in the air as they hop about…just 2 good mates having a bloody good time.They retire for the night and probably have a few beers and a bit more of a yarn before they turn in…as blokes do B)

    Next morning Fizzy is pottering about,stretching his legs…having a sniff etc etc
    Hmmm..wheres CoCo?? :huh:
    Girls go to investigate and there is CoCo tucked up in bed in the remenants of the Dodgey Gumtree hutch sitting in the middle of my beautiful “rabbit stadium” half asleep….

    With 4 baby bunnies :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

    Now we have 6 :P

    True story..well maybe not the bit about the beer ;)

    Bol :woohoo:



    Good luck with that Bolls :laugh: :laugh: :whistle:



    craig evans

    😆 😆


    Ian Kersley

    Had a chuckle reading that Boll

    Kids , life would be boring with out them

    Tick that one up to experience



    Classic Bols.
    With you as a Dad your kids are guaranteed an interesting life wit or without the rabbits :laugh:
    Shame about the mauling but Whistler is a very cool name for a Husky!!




    We need a pic of rabbit stadium …..


    Nick Jackson

    Gold Bol :D



    LOL BOLLS!!! we once had a rabbit funny never worked out where it went ;)


    Rabbits, being rabbits. I knew where this story was going as soon as you said 4 male rabbits. :laugh: :laugh:
    Good luck with the rabbit breeding mate.


    Thanks for sharing Bol …. Crack up 😆



    Mick D

    Funny stuff right there Bols. Kids and bloody pets, we had a cat plague here for a while, I sorted that out though. :whistle:



    They make great hats out of them over this way.Send some over Boll.
    Speaking of rabbits Mick has one of the funniest stories ive ever heard.
    Come in Mick.


    Mick D
    toes wrote:
    They make great hats out of them over this way.Send some over Boll.
    Speaking of rabbits Mick has one of the funniest stories ive ever heard.
    Come in Mick.

    Dunno what you are on about Toes?

    Was it when I said the Bunnies will win a premiership one day?


    Richard W

    Bloody rabbits, we had two male rabbits and ended up with a dozen somehow. Pissed down rain and the burrow flooded and the babies drowned.
    One kept digging under fence so it was always a mad chase to catch him. Trying to catch him one day and he was bolting to go under the house so I picked up the cricket bat to throw in front of him so to scare him into another direction, missed timed the throw and got him a beauty, got called a murderer for a week.

    Came home later one day for lunch and the wife got something out of the pot and accidently dropped it on kitchen floor, I thought it was a cooked rat and wasn’t gunna touch it. Bitch was going to make a couple of sandwiches and tell me it was chicken.

    Dickie wrote:
    Bloody rabbits, we had two male rabbits and ended up with a dozen somehow. Pissed down rain and the burrow flooded and the babies drowned.
    One kept digging under fence so it was always a mad chase to catch him. Trying to catch him one day and he was bolting to go under the house so I picked up the cricket bat to throw in front of him so to scare him into another direction, missed timed the throw and got him a beauty, got called a murderer for a week.

    Came home later one day for lunch and the wife got something out of the pot and accidently dropped it on kitchen floor, I thought it was a cooked rat and wasn’t gunna touch it. Bitch was going to make a couple of sandwiches and tell me it was chicken.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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