NSW ctp rip off

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  • #102731

    Aaron Wilde

    Nsw ctp prices are soon to be similar to Vic costs. About bloody time. The catch will probably be cycle costs go up. :ohmy:


    Hi Aaron, yeh I watched the story on ACA last night as well.
    Time will tell……….

    GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR insurance companies :angry:
    As bad as utility companies :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


    Mick D
    Trailraider wrote:
    Hi Aaron, yeh I watched the story on ACA last night as well.
    Time will tell……….

    GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR insurance companies :angry:
    As bad as utility companies :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    They are talking a 15% drop, taking into consideration the 10% jump recently, in reality we are really only looking at a 5% drop.

    5% off $300 is a whopping $15. Ho hum…………. big deal. :angry:


    micknmeld wrote:
    Trailraider wrote:
    Hi Aaron, yeh I watched the story on ACA last night as well.
    Time will tell……….

    GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR insurance companies :angry:
    As bad as utility companies :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    They are talking a 15% drop, taking into consideration the 10% jump recently, in reality we are really only looking at a 5% drop.

    5% off $300 is a whopping $15. Ho hum…………. big deal. :angry:

    Yeah, I’m not holding my breath for it either …. I bet there’s still no Recreational Rego on the cards for NSW either yet! :angry:


    micknmeld wrote:
    5% off $300 is a whopping $15. Ho hum…………. big deal. :angry:

    It’s better than an increase. You would trade your soul for 15 bucks :laugh:



    Mick D
    Trailboss wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:
    5% off $300 is a whopping $15. Ho hum…………. big deal. :angry:

    It’s better than an increase. You would trade your soul for 15 bucks :laugh:


    Glad you think so highly of me. ;)



    seems like im shelling out heaps of Coin to CTP and RMS lately but check this comparison. The difference between NRMA and QBE is a Whopping $370 :angry: WTF!!
    Needless to say I went with QBE to register the Triton



    Web Site
    AAMI $366.46 $715.94 Click for Green Slip price breakdown 132 244 http://www.aami.com.au
    Allianz $369.00 $719.00 Click for Green Slip price breakdown 1300 137 664 http://www.allianz.com.au
    CIC-Allianz $361.00 $705.00 Click for Green Slip price breakdown 1300 360 340
    GIO $370.37 $723.41 Click for Green Slip price breakdown 131 010 http://www.gio.com.au
    NRMA $527.94 $1,033.05 Click for Green Slip price breakdown 132 132 http://www.nrma.com.au
    QBE $340.00 $662.00 Click for Green Slip price breakdown 133 723 greenslip.qbe.com
    Zurich $419.00 $818.00 Click for Green Slip price breakdown 1800 811 099
    Thank you for using the MAA’s Green Slip Calculator – our free ‘one stop’ service to help find the best Green Slip price for you.



    Unreal isn’t it! :angry:

    NRMA disappoint so often nowadays but they have me over a barrel with my bundle deal.

    Time to shop around I think.


    I’m just doing rego for my sons KTM. The CTP prices I got last night from i think it was RTA comparison site was less than 10 bucks between the lot of them. GIO was at $386, which was in the middle. The site included all the companies you mentioned Ollie. Might have to have a closer look. Rego 117.00, CTP, 386.65, pink slip 28. My son isn’t even living in the southern hemisphere – he’s been OS for 6 mths :S


    budge wrote:
    I’m just doing rego for my sons KTM. The CTP prices I got last night from i think it was RTA comparison site was less than 10 bucks between the lot of them. GIO was at $386, which was in the middle. The site included all the companies you mentioned Ollie. Might have to have a closer look. Rego 117.00, CTP, 386.65, pink slip 28. My son isn’t even living in the southern hemisphere – he’s been OS for 6 mths :S

    Stinks doesnt it budge ;) My Gasgas 300 I registered a couple of weeks ago was around the $400 dollar mark, which is a lot of coin for something that might do 1500 km’s a year. Someone on a 650 commuting from say Gosford to Sydney and doing probably 30000 kms a year pays the same premium. The sooner we bring in Rec rego the the better (but thats a whole other debate)



    Just looked at the calculators again – they are all different!
    Rang around and NRMA had the best price at $314.57, including at fault driver cover, which apparantly QBE dont have, which is why they are cheaper again by $20 (or so I was told!). On line, NRMA was between $330 and $390 so I guess it pays to ring around. All done :(



    Couldn’t agree more with Ollie … bring on Rec Rego in NSW!!

    Just had to re-reg the Berg, which I’ve hardly even ridden this year (you all know why), regardless it does bugger all Km’s on “the road” … why “FULL” rego? FULL CTP? etc.

    I’m considering not bothering next year to be honest .. no cops anywhere to be seen where I ride (when I ride), no-one I ride with has rego … why bother??

    If we had Rec in NSW I would not be asking the same questions … or considering the same “devil may care” situation

    My Two Cents


    razzle wrote:
    Couldn’t agree more with Ollie … bring on Rec Rego in NSW!!

    Just had to re-reg the Berg, which I’ve hardly even ridden this year (you all know why), regardless it does bugger all Km’s on “the road” … why “FULL” rego? FULL CTP? etc.

    I’m considering not bothering next year to be honest .. no cops anywhere to be seen where I ride (when I ride), no-one I ride with has rego … why bother??

    If we had Rec in NSW I would not be asking the same questions … or considering the same “devil may care” situation

    My Two Cents

    Because you wont be on any OBT rides mate. While its not ideal and maybe not fair its what we have and its what we promote here at OBT.
    Dream about rec rego it will never happen here in NSW while we have a green slip system, not Vics system. If we ever do something around rec rego IT WILL REQUIRE A GREEN SLIP and thats where we get ripped not the actual rego

    Everytime Ollie regos something this old chestnut pops up :laugh: :laugh:



    Adrian Lee

    Dont want to rub it in but i recieved my reg renewal last week.

    I had full reg on my bike at a cost of just over $600 a year, due to not riding much at the moment i went to vicroads and swapped over to rec reg.

    It cost $72 for the years reg and $16 For the new plate

    There is some benefits of being a mexican :laugh:



    I just pay it,,,,for the enjoyment of riding the places I like, mostly state forest,inc OBT rides, it’s just par for the cause in NSW,,,so I’m not about to give up riding for the sake of a few hundred bucks a year.
    I ran into the boys in blue a couple of weeks ago,in the bush,and the outcome was a frendly chat and me riding away with out a 2000 grand fine,,,,so im way in front.
    Most hobby’s,or sports cost,,so ride or not?
    Just my 2 cents.
    Cheers Teza

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