long weekend (nundle anyone)

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This topic contains 28 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Snowden 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    ill most likely be out at the in laws all weekend with family.

    I will have me bike in tow though so if any one is going to Nundle and want someone to ride with. drop me a line… hope fully no rain this weekend>>>



    Sunday sounds like a great day to spend in the forest. Put me down for it. Cheers



    How long are you doing?



    hey boony
    just looking at sunday sounds like the go… chatting to mattt he is keen not to sure how long as I don’t know many tracks (hint hint looking for some one who can lead the way )

    I don’t mind how long it will be fun either way with you lot

    Boony wrote:
    How long are you doing?


    Bummer, I can’t make it to this ride :(

    Have a great time! I bet it will be sooooooo cold!


    simon burke

    2 inches of rain up there last weekend.Should be perfect riding conditions. :cheer:
    I might be a chance.
    I’ll lead you Andy…….into a tree :laugh:

    Bol :woohoo:


    KING BOLLOCKS wrote:
    2 inches of rain up there last weekend.Should be perfect riding conditions. :cheer:
    I might be a chance.
    I’ll lead you Andy…….into a tree :laugh:

    Bol :woohoo:

    Arr I was wondering what happened to that husky on the last ride

    We seem to be gathering the troops will we meet up the top at the van park. Or take advantage of the paddok me in laws have at the t intersection of happy valley way Jenkins st. On Sunday morning…



    What time?


    Boony wrote:
    What time?

    Spose everything as normal boony locals meet at school 630 and others out at nundle what do you reckon!!! I’ll just be happy to have so mate to ride with



    Righto lets go, Im in, we gotta get some bike time for Snowies Cells Run. By the way I have an aversion to acronyms.
    7am at the school sounds good ive got a drinking problem SAT night.
    that makes that…. Sunday ..School. 7am SMP
    now for acronyms JHSMWBAWMP. soaked to the bone.
    catch me if you can Sundy. Whos in?
    Damo where the 2340 are you by the way Damo?, get your 2340 ing green piece of man love out of your wifes purse and come riding HOMO (no offence HOMO’S) I expect your presence spider bait.
    on a different note:
    Also looking at kids run at Rebel X shortly. just a kids day up and down the open track stuff and a bit of hill stuff for the older groms, more on that later , drop in the shop if interested. Need some old bulls to run interference.


    Ron Birrell

    Yeah I’m in 7:00 am at the school
    Trying to talk the King into coming, but he keeps dribbling about some hairy fairy football and Kummel’s jersey game :P :laugh: :laugh:




    Will we be visiting the berry patch, I’ll organise fuel and let the berry lady know if we go that way.

    . We can use a paddock just up the road from the van park to unload the bikes too if that suites fellas. What do you all reckon

    Looking forward to another great ride gentlemen..


    I am happy to follow whatever ride we do. If its to the berry patch that’s awesome, but just a quick blast is also great. I have no idea of the trails so cant help out with directions etc. I will be at the Nemingha school at 7:00. Still working on FarmerWill and Clint to tag along and will let you know if they can make it. I am not sure where the “Van Park” is. Is that where we packed last time?



    I to am happy to play tagalong, it will ne good to play back in the pack and not lead a ride. I’m in, Luke I will show you where we will be unloading. 7.00am Sunday at the school it is.



    This sound like fun

    Matt leadin, well until we lose him
    Boony in the pack
    Bloody Bol’s and more mud
    Count me & Duey in, see ya up the top.

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