Righto lets go, Im in, we gotta get some bike time for Snowies Cells Run. By the way I have an aversion to acronyms.
7am at the school sounds good ive got a drinking problem SAT night.
that makes that…. Sunday ..School. 7am SMP
now for acronyms JHSMWBAWMP. soaked to the bone.
catch me if you can Sundy. Whos in?
Damo where the 2340 are you by the way Damo?, get your 2340 ing green piece of man love out of your wifes purse and come riding HOMO (no offence HOMO’S) I expect your presence spider bait.
on a different note:
Also looking at kids run at Rebel X shortly. just a kids day up and down the open track stuff and a bit of hill stuff for the older groms, more on that later , drop in the shop if interested. Need some old bulls to run interference.