Do PM’s still send emails as well.

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This topic contains 13 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    I apologise if this has been covered in my absence, but I’m sure back in the old days when someone sent you a PM you got an email to let you know. I was on here the other day after a bit of a layoff only to find a PM from Buzz wanting to know some background info on a bike in my area. First I’d heard of it and by the time I replied he’d already bought the bike 6 months before. I thought that maybe I’d just missed the email and I apologised to Buzz for not getting back to him.

    I sent a PM today and got a response but no email letting me know. Nothing in anti-spam. Is there some setting I need to turn on. I can’t seem to find it.




    Matt Baker

    click on private messages and there is a red settings button, use this to change your options regarding emails



    Thanks LC,

    I found it and checked. It said I should of been getting email notifications. Reset it and saved it again so will see how we go. I also checked my email address was right and it was fine as well. Hopefully resaving it will work.


    Bundyroy wrote:
    Thanks LC,

    I found it and checked. It said I should of been getting email notifications. Reset it and saved it again so will see how we go. I also checked my email address was right and it was fine as well. Hopefully resaving it will work.


    I just sent you a test PM mate.

    STM and



    Thanks STM

    No go on the email front though. I just retyped my email address into my profile to reset that as well. Hopefully it’s right now. It just seems odd. It all used to work and I haven’t changed anything, haven’t changed email address and it obviously works for others. Might have to change my lucky number from 13.


    Bundyroy wrote:
    I apologise if this has been covered in my absence, but I’m sure back in the old days when someone sent you a PM you got an email to let you know. I was on here the other day after a bit of a layoff only to find a PM from Buzz wanting to know some background info on a bike in my area. First I’d heard of it and by the time I replied he’d already bought the bike 6 months before. I thought that maybe I’d just missed the email and I apologised to Buzz for not getting back to him.

    I sent a PM today and got a response but no email letting me know. Nothing in anti-spam. Is there some setting I need to turn on. I can’t seem to find it.



    I have this problem too bundyroy



    hope it stays not working myself


    white rocket wrote:
    hope it stays not working myself

    you can turn it off Rocket :laugh: :laugh:



    Email notifications stopped a long time ago for me. Mine [used] to send to a gmail account. Checked the Settings and notifications are on.



    I reported this non functioning feature last year as well… I save everything and the last email sent from the PM system was on May 29th 2012.. The PM was for the 2012 OBT Birthday ride…



    Krusty is alive :ohmy:

    The email function is now fixed. Check your settings it is now ( as of 2 mins ) fixed

    Thanks Chris




    Thanks Chris and TB. Works now.



    Yep all good worked last week


    axel wrote:
    Thanks Chris and TB. Works now.

    Cheers mate but the real thanks is to Chris


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