2013 OBT Birthday Bash ADV Style 5,6, 7th July

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings 2013 OBT Birthday Bash ADV Style 5,6, 7th July

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    Gavin Brown

    2013 OBT Birthday Bash ADV Style 5,6&7th July

    Mickp and myself are going to ride up to the 2013 OBT birthday bash at Mount Seaview.
    If you would like to join in you will need a 250Km Fuel range. Everyone is welcome. As we get closer I will email you the track in form of GPX file so you can load onto your GPS. You don’t need a GPS just a little bit of faith, that we will get you there.

    Friday – Leaving from Freemans Waterhole 9.00am. this gives the people from Sydney a bit of extra time.
    Route through Black Camp Rd, Monkerai, The Glen, Mt George for lunch.

    Saturday – Loopin Round the Cells forrest Roads and a probable lunch at Gingers Creek. Hoping to get back in plenty of time for the festivities

    Sunday – Return Home through Enfield Forest Rd. & link up some favourites on the way back.

    Please see the main Birthday front page for the other details for the weekend.


    Saturday Adv List
    Kansas Charlie
    “BOONY” on THE MIGHTY 500:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

    Saturday ADV “MAYBE” List :whistle:
    none so far,,, Lefty & Ace are out ..


    Dwayne O

    Nice work Gav & Mick ;)

    As discussed on the phone, I am driving to the event this year and will see you guys there for a brew or ten,,,
    You guys will be keen to see me again this year as I am carting you food and grog :woohoo:

    Cheers,,,,, ONE WEEK TO GO !!!


    Gavin Brown

    Any takers ?

    We will try and stay away from any sheep Country!


    gavb wrote:
    Any takers ?

    We will try and stay away from any sheep Country!

    count me in …oh that’s right….maybe next year :)


    Dwayne O
    lotsa wrote:
    gavb wrote:
    Any takers ?

    We will try and stay away from any sheep Country!

    count me in …oh that’s right….maybe next year :)

    Good to see your humour is still there Lotsa :laugh:
    Rest up mate,, you will be missed on the trails for a while :whistle:

    I think PTW was maybe talking ADV and taking the Tenere up (but that might have changed) ..
    Strucky will be there, not sure if he was planning to ride though ??? Might be now :woohoo:

    See ya`s there friday ,, the beer will be cold B)


    jim cady

    I guess other ADV people will be getting to the Birthday in different ways other than Mickp and Gavb,but was wondering if the Saturday ADV ride will still be on with the apparent lack of interest.Was thinking of loading up the trailer and heading up.

    Long way to go to drink beer,and would be good if there was a ride :unsure:

    So what to load, bike and esky or just esky

    Cheers James


    Dwayne O

    I`m sure the ADV ride is on regardless of numbers James ;)

    Lefty is still unsure if he can make it until later in the week,
    Wigster is riding up sat for the party atmosphere,
    Strucky is likely to turn up on a ????? ;)
    Ace sadly isn`t riding,,, but coming up sat arvo to PARTY,, watch out for that :P πŸ˜†
    Not sure what PTW is doing,,, but that is just PTW :laugh:

    I am doing the Poker Run and hangin` round camp for the weekend, it`s a great yearly catchup and I rode to and from Sunny Corner last year.

    Either way James, it will be a cracker !!!


    Hey Gav,
    It sounds bloody awesome mate :woohoo: But at this stage I am not sure if I will be able to make it this year :( like Eags has mentioned as it is always a cracker of a weekend.

    If I can I will let you know but it will be last minute.

    Lefty ;)



    Wasn’t going to take a bike this weekend Eags, but the same offer is up as last year.
    If anyone riding up to the bday bash would like some gear taken up for them i will be happy to cart it, if you want to lighten your load or take an esky or swag just let us know and we can organise to get it there for you.



    Dwayne O
    pete the wulf wrote:
    Wasn’t going to take a bike this weekend Eags, but the same offer is up as last year.
    If anyone riding up to the bday bash would like some gear taken up for them i will be happy to cart it, if you want to lighten your load or take an esky or swag just let us know and we can organise to get it there for you.


    ???? :blink:
    Not even the 300 for the Poker Run ???

    Man , You really have eyes on the Party don`t ya :laugh:

    See ya there Friday mate


    Gavin Brown

    Ok gentlemen,

    This should be a good run. Mickp and myself will be riding regardless of numbers. Friday will be a nice run up, hoping to get there a little early for the festivities.

    Saturday morning run Im looking at an aprox 150-170 Km run looping around the cells to have lunch at Gingers Creek which is not far from Mt Seaview. Feel free to do a half day if thats what you prefer.
    Or just do the arvo run.

    Sat Arvo maybe going to Ellenborough Falls on different trails & tracks.

    Might even swap them round.

    Sunday riding down the very scenic an awesome Enfield road and track.


    jim cady

    Good to know someone will be doing the ADV thing Gavb and Mickp ;)

    I Would like to join you both for the Saturday run if that’s alright

    I will be driving up and camping in the trailer so will opt out of the whole journey with you, the hardened Adventurer that I am :laugh: :laugh:

    Cheers James


    Dwayne O

    You`ll be in good hands James,
    Just bring your sense of humour :whistle:

    Mick loves a good Chinwag & Gav loves to break into an Irish Type Jig here & there :laugh:
    Very funny guys


    pete the wulf wrote:
    Wasn’t going to take a bike this weekend Eags, but the same offer is up as last year.
    If anyone riding up to the bday bash would like some gear taken up for them i will be happy to cart it, if you want to lighten your load or take an esky or swag just let us know and we can organise to get it there for you.


    Same offer here. Driving up on Saturday, so of anyone needs anything taken up from the Central Coast, just let me know via pm. ;)


    jim cady

    I would like to offer transportation also,will be leaving Sydney Friday morning

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