The 2013 OBT Birthday ride report

Home Forums Ride Reports The 2013 OBT Birthday ride report

This topic contains 92 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Shane Cosgrove 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #102965


    I hear the new King is a deserved one!

    The stories, pictures & videos should start slowly filtering through for us poor left behind plebs that weren’t lucky enough to join in with the rest!

    Come on boys & girls……… away!



    craig evans

    new king – I reckon adam or boony



    You got that right Crash! Well done to King Strucky on the crown. He will be an almighty king leading through kindness and a dry wit. ;)

    Just remember mate, that I knew you well before you were the king. Always remember the little people :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I only went up for the night and am glad I did.

    Well done to Boll(formerly known as king Bollocks) for running the auction- it was a hit mate. And to Chris, TB and all the mods for putting on the night.

    P.S For sale…1 sauna – never used, going cheap!!!!!!!!!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Congratulations Strucky :woohoo: Oops KING STRUCKY!! Well deserved and a bloody nice bloke too ;)

    I hope that it was a great time had by all…….. :silly: :sick:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Lefty ;)


    Dwayne O

    Huge weekend :woohoo:

    All hail the new KING STRUCKY ;)
    I had a ball as usual, met some great new members, mixed it up with some of the old crowd, downed a few too many cold ones, and some fantastic donations of prizes, pledges and biding from members!!!

    We finally had TB “SPEECHLESS”,, he can explain how & why later with some pics maybe ???

    Added my own twist to it at the presentation last night and have decided that Eagle`s don`t do Grasstrack :whistle:
    Especially steep, wet, sloppy, off camber grass track ๐Ÿ˜†

    Terrific course freshly slashed by Protty ‘LEGEND’, and pegged by the OBT mod crew friday arvo :)

    My favourite pic with the soon to be announced “KING STRUCKY”

    More later


    Hi all,
    Thanks again for a great weekend, thoroughly enjoyed. ;)
    Grass track was extremely slippery as eagle has reported, but I managed to get around it without falling off unlike some :whistle: :whistle:
    I cant say the same about the longer track where I managed to do my best turtle impersonation after losing momentum on a slippery up hill :(

    It was good to put a face to some of the characters on here and meet some of the guys the have me cracking up regularly.

    What a great bunch of blokes, had an awesome time and will be back for many more Old Bull weekends for as long as I am welcome ;)

    Bring on the August nav ride B)

    More later………..


    Dwayne O

    Hey TR !!!
    You are more than welcome mate ;)
    You are now officially one of the OBT family and fit right in mate, ALWAYS WELCOME !!

    Thanx again so much, for the terrific donations, pledges (to ride your own bike) :laugh: use of the XR when the Piglet shat itself and for being an allround top boke :woohoo:

    Looking forward to some more time to chat over a beer or 6 in August mate B)




    Wow what an unbelievable weekend. Things I felt and watched this weekend were amazing. I would like to thank in no particular order

    The guys that collected the fire wood
    Protty for all his hours of work
    The guys that pulled down arrows and bunting this arvo
    The ladies at the accommodation
    Bollocks for the auction
    Charlie for the song
    Personal donations made by to many people to name I am sorry (humbled and sorry)
    People that pledged for the Piglet etc
    The people that threw cash the Tuff Jugg because they wanted to help
    The moderators for everything they do
    Mick for the floor space Thursday night
    Every member that helped with the donations
    Nickj and STM for the Saturday morning extra work
    The north coast syndicate that stuck me with the f*#king bike rack
    Everyone for doing the right thing all weekend
    To Ace , King Stucky and all the other sneaky people that organised my custom helmet I am still speechless
    The guys that started the fire pit both nights
    Everyone that helped clean up this morning, god there were some empties
    Moose and Kathy and the Hasting Valley club for help with the MA etc etc etc
    Toes for fixing my hot water (watch where you stand mate )
    Rider X for your help up there (the photos are safe mate)
    All the sponsors and supporters of this fantastic web site, support them when you can they are all fantastic
    Stephen Gall for signing the jacket and then working with Strucky to get it to Wauchope overnight because I forgot
    To Chris for his endless hours behind screen thanks mate
    I know I have forgotten somebody and I am sorry

    You all make Old Bulls what it is, thanks

    More later



    Dwayne O

    What a cracker Birthday weekend it was!!! :woohoo:
    Huge thanx to CHRIS & TB for the reason to celebrate, I know this has been mentioned so many times in the past, but it is the reason we all come together year after year (and in between too) :whistle:

    The Hastings boys deserve a special mention also for helping to organise the weekend with the assistance of Protty & son, true champions and I hope we get to hang with you guys again one day B)

    It was terrific to meet some new faces, put some faces to usernames, have some beers and tonnes of laughs.

    The track was just superb, it really was (and I only got to sample the short loop) but I was told by RiderX “THE WALRUS” that the short grass loop was more tricky than the long loop , go figure !!!

    I managed to put in 5 laps on the 690 and the required lap on the XR in the absence of Little Red Piglet, that STM kindly took out of action :laugh:
    Big thanx to PTW & Trailraider for the loaners and the opportunity to assist the cause,,,,

    There were plenty of laughs heard throughout the valley as we slipped, slid, roosted, ducked & rolled around in the grassy hills, Damn some of them were steep too with the odd obstacle hidden here & there to catch you out :blink:

    The arvo for me was a good time to sneak a good hot shower before the crowd (the guys went out on a loop of trails with Protty) while the mod team set the gear up and prepared for the evening festivities.

    Once all were back and settling in for a few brews, the new KING was announced. What a fine King we have chosen, KING STRUCKY !!! Well deserved mate
    TB was also presented with a little surprise that rendered him speechless for the first time I have ever witnessed,, this was also well deserved and I know it will be displayed with immense pride for years to come ;) ;) ;)

    Then some of the kindly donated items were auctioned off. We have some really generous members, and fantastic supporting sponsors that threw in a tonne of great gear. Thanx also to the members that went hard at organising a swag of stuff from far & wide and some didn`t even get to attend the weekend, namely Plindz & Lefty.
    Some good remote bidding went down too , well done Jeffro, Plindz & Puddles

    We had a dinner break before regathering to bid on the remaining items and as usual Bollocks did a cracker of a job (even with the heckling from the crowd and interruptions from TB) :laugh: :laugh:
    Can`t wait for some of the videos to come up !!!

    Then it was well & truly game on around the fire and the ring of knowledge was strong and steadily growing (until the nanna naps took hold and the numbers slowly dropped)
    For some mind numbing reason, I found myself down by the upper class waterfront hideout with some of the hardcore Wachopianโ€™s (of which there were only Toes, Kram & Gassit, well Gassit was sort of awake :P ) till 1.30am !!!!

    This morning brought some sore & sorry heads out into the morning sunshine, scrambling for a strong coffee and somewhere to hide from the ribbing they deserved, Ollie !!! You had a shocker :sick:

    A few small groups ventured back out for a play, but most packed up and slowly dispersed, said their goodbyes and made for home.
    My young bloke had a great time I reckon, finally got to see what all the fuss is about and hasn`t stopped talking about it once home to Mum & sis !!!

    Thanx again to everyone involved in the weekend, there are too many to name individually and I would be sorry if I left any out :blush:

    Cheers All, Can`t wait for ther next one now ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜†


    Dwayne O

    Oh Yeah !!!!

    Who bought the BUG SUCKER THINGY at the auction ???
    I found it this morning when cleaning up and noone left knew who ownes it :laugh:

    I can post it if required ;)



    how was camp drunk as fl**k eagle did they live up to there name


    Hey all, thanks to everyone who attended, was a great weekend and a pleasure to have you all. Sorry I wasn’t there earlier this morning to see some of you off.. We had a look at some other trails today, rest assured they’ll be ready for next time. Again, it was a pleasure, great weekend cheers Protty


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Oh Yeah !!!!

    Who bought the BUG SUCKER THINGY at the auction ???
    I found it this morning when cleaning up and noone left knew who ownes it :laugh:

    I can post it if required ;)



    Thanks every one for a great weekend I had a blast. I can’t wait to see some video on pics. i’ll do a report up later. For now lets just say I am cleaning out my wounds :laugh:



    Pics of the helmet TB? Tell everyone how good it is and keep it to yourself :angry:

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