Nundle – Brutal, unforgiving, carnage

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    Well, nine OLD BULLS braved the cold yesterday morning at Nundle . The temp was hovering at 2 degrees when we took off about 7:30am from the usual park-up spot. Nundle had received 2 inches of rain and was ready to deal us some justice :ohmy: :ohmy:

    Buzz provided the ride briefing and handed Bols the leaders vest. Bols headed off at hundred miles an hour and seemed intent on finding the most slippery difficult unforgiving hill climbs Nundle had to offer.

    We tracked our way down to the Steps and Ranger Rick showed them who was boss by being the first up them :) :) It was pure carnage, bikes and people everywhere. Boze was telling me that when he was powering up, he saw Andy coming back down the hill under his bike backwards :woohoo: :woohoo:

    We then headed to the Dam hill where Bols had two attempts and broke his front brake lever on the second:silly: But it did not break his spirit or his desire to thrash us all on the hill climbs :pinch: :pinch:

    So he led us to Sweet Mother. :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

    This climb lived up to its name with only Buzz and Bols making it to the top ;) ;) I got within a bees dick of the top and then my battery died. With no kick starter installed, I had only one option – to swallow my pride and roll back to the bottom attempting to clutch start on the way back down. I was gutted…. 👿 👿 There was no way I was trying again :blink: – defeated.

    We then headed back to the vehicles as Bols bike had spent that much time on its side leaking fuel that he was on reserve.

    I think we only managed about 40km’s but it was brutal :pinch:

    PS. Hope I got all the names of hills right. Anyway, whatever you call them they were slippery and unforgiving and caused a bucket load of carnage :laugh:

    Thanks to Bols and Buzz for leading and Damus for sweeping and all the others as well. It was pure Nundle magic :P :P :P




    None of my photos turned out any good from yesterday, so hopefully someone else’s did and you can post them.

    I think both Andy and Boze had helmet cams on, let’s see the footage boys…



    Thanks buzz and bols for the lead >>> super sweep damus,,,

    the day proved to be slippery after the recent rain I knew we were in for it, MY riding skills were letting me down from the start the most simple creek crossings that never faze me were proving a task, after a quick word with buzz and some helpful advice we were off to tackle the steps!!!! More carnage!!!!!

    Bolls and F$#%ing Mud thanks for letting me put the goggles on MATE before the spray!!!!!
    Thanks Rick for washing bolls mud of me later in the day :woohoo:

    I was trying out my new camera an ion air pro Wi-Fi im happy with how it went but as you will see in the footage a will need to ajust the angle up a bit more I will have it right soon, and will need to get used to editing!!!!

    the ride up the single back to the cars was still slippery most of the group took the sooks way round, not me this time I took enough sook roots during the day i was going to do this even if it killed me!!!! fell off a couple of times but I did it :P :laugh:

    once back to the cars most of the group left bar four of us boze rick myself and someone else (I forgot your name sorry) went and took on the grassy singles that snowy led on a couple of rides ago down parachute hill hung a right over a fast flowing creek up a big hill which saw a little more carnage then we main rd it back by 3:15pm

    all in all it was another great day and can not wait for the next one cheers andy



    some stills I took with the ion air pro Wi-Fi
    can not up load images what am I doing wrong it wont let me I inset like normal press submit then nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    andy29 wrote:
    some stills I took with the ion air pro Wi-Fi
    can not up load images what am I doing wrong it wont let me I inset like normal press submit then nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Read this, click here

    Or better still

    Try this, click here



    Trailboss wrote:
    andy29 wrote:
    some stills I took with the ion air pro Wi-Fi
    can not up load images what am I doing wrong it wont let me I inset like normal press submit then nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Read this, click here

    Or better still

    Try this, click here

    Thanks tv I’ll give it a go I assumed they were too big




    lets give this another go





    if this works thanks T.B

    now I have found another cool thing on the net


    simon burke

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Nice one Andy :P
    Anyone who wants the highlight sections of Andys vid

    6.07 crash
    8.55 drenched
    10.30 huge breath psyching himself up
    11.00 crash
    13.10 pair shaped
    14.07 me getting f#%$ed over by yeeharrrr hill
    14.55 Damous copping the same

    Working on my RR now :cheer:

    Bol :woohoo:


    simon burke

    The Gods were shining on us yesterday :)
    Plenty of rain the day before meant mud, high creek crossings and mud mud mud 👿
    Brass Monkey weather to start with and we had a good crew ready to ride :cheer:
    Buzz did the riding briefing and threw me the leaders vest…WTF??? HAHA…This will be fun :woohoo:
    First track off the landing strip was as greasy as a butchers dick…strewth i thought…there is carnage to be had today!!!!
    Alot of the creeks were about 2 ft higher than normal,no drownings..but plenty of wet boots and nervious riders :P
    “The steps” is pretty easy to ride in the dry…but wet, it’s a whole new animal :cheer:

    Andy on the steps..ohoh :ohmy: hang onto it big fella :cheer:

    mmm…bike blanket :P

    Lawrence B)

    After showing everyone how to crash on Yeharrr hill,and pole axing myself on Dam hill..twice :(
    we made our way down to “Sweet Mother Of Jesus”…its a dirt hill climb rutted out all the way with no escapes…about 300m…feels like 3 km.
    Logan gave it a red hot go but was DENIED about 10m from the top…it’s such a bitch..poor close… :( :P
    Buzz and i made it with more arse than class and a fair bit of assistance from the gallery waiting at the top :cheer:

    Show us ya ruts sweet mother :woohoo:

    oh yeahthe bridge of “Death” was crossed with all hands on deck B)

    Play of the day x 2 goes to Logan and Andy ;)
    Last Snotty greasy hill climb back to the car saw Logan as the corner man pointing everyone up the hill.A few tried but most “Gayed out” corner man says
    “FU …ARRRRRGHHH ” :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: and screems up the hill like maverick on the tail of a bit of airbase skirt :woohoo:
    Smokes it :cheer:
    Andy..never say die Andy,takes a deep breath and lets her rip…tastes abit of mud a few times but makes it in the end!!!! BALLS OF STEEL :cheer:

    Last hill…Andy does a pitch report :cheer:
    Logan assists…or sniffs his bum :huh:
    Nailed it :cheer: :cheer:

    Sorry about the crap photos but i was using a pumpkin :dry:

    Great ride…thanks fellas ;) :woohoo:
    P.s.another highlight for me was chasing a Wombat down the track for about 80 m…those little bastards can move!!!! then crashed through the bush like a bull elephant :laugh:
    Funny as !!!!

    Bol :woohoo:



    VERY GOOD REPORT BOLLS forgotten about the wombat he was a big bugger almost looked like a pig running along the creek another good moment missed buy the camera



    Great report Bol. :)

    Next trip to the Hills of Gold, all I want to do is make it up Sweet Mother Jesus 👿 👿 So close…yet so far :whistle:

    BTW, I was helping push Andy’s bike not sniffing his bum (not that there is anything wrong with that). :blink:



    Dam good reports I’ll leave that to the ones that can. Got a photo off the drift just doing up a vid tonight.

    Nundle never disappoints



    Great report Logan. :woohoo:
    Thanks to the bye gone KING for the cool pics :woohoo: B) B)
    You is still a King. :blink:
    Great place to ride and hope to see you lot soon.


    Boze wrote:
    Dam good reports I’ll leave that to the ones that can. Got a photo off the drift just doing up a vid tonight.

    Nundle never disappoints


    Hmmmmmm. Looks like me


    Nick Jackson

    Great read guys !! Can’t wait for next month up their :woohoo:


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