Home, showered, had a nanny nap and now waiting for the roast lamb my missus is cooking. I feel for you unfortunate buggers who are driving back to Sydney and other places far away.
As usual, another fabulous ride. Well done to all those that helped make it happen. Thanks to the mysterious angel that loaned me a GPS for the weekend (I still have your mount, will PM you regarding return).
Also thanks to my riding buddies Kram, Moose, Toes and Mick. It is always a pleasure to be amongst such fine company with dignified morals and gentlemanly virtues. Rough run for Puddles who did well to ride out, hope to hear you are on the mend soon.
TB you were about 5km from my back gate today. I gotta get me one of those GPS gizmos thingys, reckon I could have me some fun with one.