August Naivgation Ride 2013 Wauchope to Bacca and Back

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Reports August Naivgation Ride 2013 Wauchope to Bacca and Back

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    Well it’s 5.25 and we are geared up and ready to lead out. Everyone ride safe today

    My spot address





    Going off the Spot trackers the OBT’s are out the back of my old haunts B) ride safe everyone




    Just starting to rain in Nambucca now, looks like the gang could be in for a dust free run tomorrow




    Well my rides over sitting at port hospital waiting for x rays. Thanks ace & eagle & everyone else that helped get me out.
    Cheers puddles


    Richard W
    Puddles wrote:
    Well my rides over sitting at port hospital waiting for x rays. Thanks ace & eagle & everyone else that helped get me out.
    Cheers puddles

    That doesn’t sound good mate. Hope all is well.



    Richard W
    Lefty wrote:
    5.38pm Hi, Just checking in and letting you know that all is OK. Time for a feed and a drink. Talk soon ;-)

    Thanks for the spot tracker notices Lefty.


    Hope u ok buddy
    Don’t sound good


    Nick Jackson

    No good at all Puddles :( what happened mate ??




    you didnt go and fall in another hole did ya Puds ? Hope ya didnt scratch up the Husky to much :laugh:




    Link to my nearly one day :whistle: NAV ride HERE



    Home, showered, had a nanny nap and now waiting for the roast lamb my missus is cooking. I feel for you unfortunate buggers who are driving back to Sydney and other places far away.

    As usual, another fabulous ride. Well done to all those that helped make it happen. Thanks to the mysterious angel that loaned me a GPS for the weekend (I still have your mount, will PM you regarding return).

    Also thanks to my riding buddies Kram, Moose, Toes and Mick. It is always a pleasure to be amongst such fine company with dignified morals and gentlemanly virtues. Rough run for Puddles who did well to ride out, hope to hear you are on the mend soon.

    TB you were about 5km from my back gate today. I gotta get me one of those GPS gizmos thingys, reckon I could have me some fun with one.



    Lamb roast!Be there soon,they want bloody Chinese at this camp.Carnt do two nights in a row.
    What a great ride,had a ball, massive thanks to anyone involved in the logistics .Thanks to that bloke in the triton and trailer that offered to take sore foot to sick bay.
    Heard that puddles will go under the knife tomorrow some time.Wish you all the best mate,have a speedy recovery.
    Thanks again for a top weekend
    Only complaint was dust(and some twit that forgot his goggles)
    King,could you organise a water cart next time.



    Dave Wiggin

    The best one yet. Even though I only got half of it done. Well gutted about that.

    Interesting ride home (mostly tar) with no ability to operate rear brake. But at least I’m not sharing a ward with Puddles (get well soon mate).

    Showed the hole in my boot to the wife. Suitably horrified by my (admittedly exaggerated) story, and swollen ankle, she has insisted I get the best pair of MX boots on the market. Result!!!

    Hope every one got home safely. Ride report coming up.

    Thanks TB!



    Mick D

    I had fun. There were several sections I was glad I was riding the Pig! Saturdays pace was a bit more sedate than Sunday’s when I got tangled up with my usual ride buddies from the Wauchope mafia. :woohoo:

    Thanks TB and all the other guys that helped out to make it the great weekend that it was! THanks to Steve from Adventure Moto for driving the support vehicle and for the funky T shirts and his general support of OBT.

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