I’ve turned Orange!

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This topic contains 21 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Cris 11 years, 6 months ago.

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    After many weeks of deliberating, a lot of web research, a bit of soul searching and a few trips to every bike shop in the region……… I am please to announce I have turned Orange! ;)

    With a 40th birthday just round the corner, the time was right to buy myself a new steed and move on from the trusty DRZ400E. :whistle:

    So……..I just got home from signing up for a brand spanking new 2014 450EXC :cheer: :cheer:

    Hopefully picking up later today so I can have a beer with it tonight :woohoo:

    Logan :blink:




    Note, the picture bears no resemblance to me. The bloke in this picture is not over weight and can obviously ride………………………. :pinch: :pinch:


    Congrats Logan, I’m sure you will enjoy it B)


    simon burke

    Well….at least the recreational hunters up in the Nundle State Forrest won’t shoot you now Logan :blink:
    You and Boony can hold hands as you ride now :P
    Congrats mate…they are good bikes ;)

    Another DRZ for the wreckers :laugh:

    Bol :woohoo:


    Aaron Wilde

    Nice purchase. It will feel a little bit different to the old bike. B)



    Yeah, it will certainly feel different :) :)

    To think this whole purchase started about a month ago up in the Nundle hills when the DRZ’s battery went flat and I realised I need to buy a kick starter………………………..turns out I bought a kick starter that came with a 450EXC already installed on it :P :P


    Richard W

    Good choice, if it goes anything like the one with 84 on it that was tearing up my paddock yesterday you will love it.



    Good one Logan… I’m sure murphs horn is waiting for that shiny ktm 😆 .


    craig evans

    well done logan, they are nice just got 1 more thing to say have fun HANGING ON



    niiiiiiiice :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:



    Well done. +1

    But I hate seeing virgin new bikes at Nundle. God don’t scratch it on the first ride.

    Now the fun will begin. Have fun with it you lucky bastard. :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Tip; It will feel a lot lighter then the DRZ


    Orange it’s a disease. Good on ya Logan. Enjoy it


    Ron Birrell

    Well done mate. Now you won’t have any excuses about climbing Sweet Mother next time. :whistle: :laugh:



    Paul Ruttley

    Welcome to the ktm family Logan ,iam with boze hard to see a new baby in the bush ,mate you won’t look back




    Great choice Logan, it will feel very light and nimble compared to your DRZ.

    Ive got an 08 KTM 450 EXC and find its a brilliant bike with more than enough grunt.

    Enjoy the new ride.

    Catch you on the trails one day.

    Cheers Marty

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