A Big Thank You

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    Clive Carre

    Just wanted to say a big thank you to the Old Bulls website and{ trail boss for he’s phone calls,} for all there help when I recently had a little off and broke my leg and ankle 60 kms out of Tamworth especially to Boulder who followed me to Tamworth Hospital and all the Old Bulls from Tamworth who swung into action picking up my bike and storing it in his garage before I had the xray, Good on ya Boony, he also came around everyday for a chat dropped off some bike magazines and gave me a good laugh. Also to Snowy who took care of all the xrays. Glen Maisey who offered to drive me to Scone on the Saturday and Yakka for driving from Sydney to Scone and back again just to get me home, Lotsa who offered to drive all the way up and pick me up unbelievable people Thank you.
    I once read on Old bulls its not just a website it’s a family after my experience I find this to be so true. Thanks again Guys I really do appreciate all your help.
    From a very humbled Fish http://www.obtrailriders.com/media/kunena/emoticons/sick.png


    Dwayne O

    That`s all so true Fish,,,
    But you and the other Boulder Bro would do, and have done exactly the same for others on any given day my friend ;)

    Cheers and best of luck woth the recovery B)


    Mick D

    Although it all came from an unfortunate incident, it makes all the work we have put into this website over the years all worthwhile, when we see every body rally to help a fallen comrade.

    Congratulations and Kudos to all who went out of their way to help out Fish in his moment of need.

    It makes me proud to be part of the OBT network. Get well soon Fish!


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