Jazz in the Japanese Gardens, Wellington NSW, Saturday 23 November 2013

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    Eric Smith

    I run the Tin Roof Big Band in Wellington and on the 23rd of November we are having a special event: Jazz in the Japanese Gardens.

    The Wellington-Osawano Japanese Gardens are located at the Wellington Caves complex, about 10km south of Wellington. There is a caravan park with cabins or tent sites adjacent, and there are hints that an accommodation package may be available closer to the date. More info on that as it comes to hand.

    Featuring the Tin Roof Big Band, the afternoon will be a laid-back effort making the most of the beautiful venue and (hopefully) the weather! Bring a picnic basket, a blanket or chair and a beverage and enjoy some jazz, blues and rock as the sun sets.


    The Tin Roof Big Band is a part of the Wellington Town Band, and plays Big Band classic songs from the 30’s through to the current day. The band, formed by me in 2012, has played regularly at gigs in the area including the Dubbo Jazz Festival and Jazz on the Green in Dubbo. Favourite songs include:
    Theme from Peter Gunn
    In The Mood
    Mission: Impossible

    At the moment we are negotiating with other bands to see whether we can get another artist to play alongside our group – again, more info as it comes to hand!

    Gold coin donation entry to support the band.

    It would be great to have some Old Bulls there – maybe even some of you ADV lot could make a ride of it!

    EDIT: Accommodation package now available! Check this out:






    Not a bad idea Ecks. Worth a visit I bet.


    Eric Smith

    Should be a cracker Axel, we are looking forward to it. I hope to hear this weekend whether our second band is coming (they are bigger and possibly louder than we are too!).


    simon burke

    Thats a bloody big horn you have ecks :ohmy: :P
    It’s an awesome place that Japanese garden,
    sorry i can’t make it but i bet it would be a great day :cheer:
    Have fun ecks B)

    Bol :woohoo:


    Eric Smith

    The ladies dig a bloke with a huge horn Bols! 👿


    craig evans

    sounds like a great evening ill see what we are doing and mite make our way over for a family nite out , as we just up the rd



    post up and remind us when it gets a bit closer may go for a sticky


    Eric Smith


    Ok, there has been a date change for this gig due to conflicts with too many other events. The new date is Saturday the 23rd of November 2013.

    If you are on Facebook check out the event but the details are all here:

    Jazz in the Japanese Gardens 2013

    Where? Wellington Osawano Japanese Gardens at the Wellington Caves Complex, about 9km south of Wellington just off the Mitchell Highway (lots of “Wellington”s there!)

    When? Saturday November 23, kicking off at 5pm

    How Much? Gold coin donation entry – cheap as!

    What do I need to bring? Yourself! I recommend a blanket and/or folding chair, snacks and drinks. The Wellington Guides will provide some catering.

    What music? My band, the Tin Roof Big Band will be playing a heap of classic Jazz, Swing, Blues and Rock tunes. Should be awesome!



    Eric Smith

    Ok you lot, we have managed to get things sorted and there is now an Accommodation Package available for this gig:


    But, if you decide not to use this package, there will be a courtesy bus from Wellington so that you can have a drink or two and still get home. How good is that?




    That’s a pretty good package there. I’d love to come along but am interstate for work till the next week. Hope it all goes well.

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