Yeah I know it should be in tech help but if I put it there no one can put shit on me without getting admined so it will be more fun here
So bought a 2000 model xr100 for three of my four daughters to learn to ride (the other one and my son can ride the CR well enough). Found the bike in a shed not far from home after uncovering it from a heap of other shit and couldnt believe it when it cranked over and started straight off despite being abonded for years, $500 later and it was all mine. Got it home and had a better look at it and while it was pretty good overall.

Then I found a heap of cracks in the fuel tank which weeped when the bike was laid over on its side.

Better still was the family of mice living in the airbox

They had a diet of air filter foam

A call on old bulls sourced a tank off a CR from Olly – thanks mate but unfortunatley it didn fit so on went the strip down. Took it down to bare frame and motor. Serviced the valves (thanks for the video TB, they were slightly closed), changed the oil which could have past for tar. A flush out with turps and two oil changes later and its perfect again.

Checked the head stem bearings. There are 21 of these little f++++ing ball bearings in top and bottom bearing races no fixed bearing like a real bike and shit those little balls can spread out a long way in a shed. Two new tubes went into the tyres as the old ones had their valves torn out and in a once upon a time story I changed both without pinching the new tubes.

Front sprocket was pretty sad so it got changed but the chain and back sprocket was fine after agood clean and oil.

Took it out to the backyard and truck washed/ gumptioned and pressure washed the years of shit off it

Found some turtle wax trim restore at the auto barn and this shit is good, pour on wipe around , leave for an hour and wipe off. No slippery seats, no rubbing no nothing- made for lazy arses like me.

Tried a Yamaha tank Damus found me but it wasnt really a good look,

then got put onto a plastic fuel tank repair kit $22 at my local rural bearings supplier so mixed the epoxy putty up and shoved it into the cleaned and opoened up cracks to see if it fixed the tank. After 24 hours of testing there wer no leaks so a quick paint job and onto the bike.

Put it all back together lubed up and adjusted all the bits and gave it a final clean up and presto:

But as usual it doesnt matter how it looks its if and how it goes so I handed it over to the eldest daughter to test pilot around the front yard.

The result – passed as a new fun toy so its off to the forest for a break in by the girls and hopefully will get them hooked on trail riding.