Stay safe nsw

This topic contains 45 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Dwayne O 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #103354

    Hope everyone near the fires plays it safe. The news is painting a bad picture is anyone close?


    Dwayne O

    Many fires all around the Hunter and Central Coast this arvo ,,,
    Plenty of smoke and a Glowing Red ominous looking Sun in the sky :pinch:

    My thoughts are with the guys out near Lithgow, the Central West and Blue Mountains ,,,, It`s bedlam down there with many homes lost apparently :(

    Not a good sign for the outlook in regards to riding in some areas either :S
    I hope next weekend is much different


    Richard W

    Stay safe everyone..

    Plus if ride in an area where you know most of the trails consider joining the rfs.
    Knowing where the trails go, where water is etc can be a life saver.



    lost power in the shop today , my missus got evacuated from her work at lunch time and the only nois e that was heard was sirens and helicopters got to give it to the firies and volunteers if it wasnt for these people where would we be



    A fire started this afternoon and it’s not a threat to my house, it is to some people up the road. Hopefully everone comes out ok.


    Just over that hill it turns horrible very quickly, I wanted to walk up and take some pics but I didn’t want to get in the way of the people trying to do the job of saving peoples houses.

    That’s one thing we need to be thankful for is the men and women who put themselves infront of our homes in order to protect us, I don’t know if you have ever seen a big fire close up but it is one of the most terrifying things you will ever see and these people put there lives on the line to help us out and for that I thank them.

    Thanks to our fire fighters.




    If any OBTs are near the fires

    Be safe it looks really bad all over the state

    Take care guys

    King Strucky



    Fair bit of excitement around home this afternoon

    Out the back of our place




    Lots of property lost close by, tomorrow maybe ok but now their saying Saturday and Sunday are looking like the same conditions as today :unsure:

    Those fire fighters are brave buggers




    Thats a bit close to home mate, you be careful. :ohmy:

    The fire fighters don’t get paid enough in my opinion



    Dwayne O

    Yeah mate, That is close !!!

    I had views in all directions of the smoke plumes at Lake Munmorah, Heatherbrae and the fire near PTW`s was just over the hill.
    It was stifling hot so I had the house battened down and the AC cranking …

    Then the southerly hit just before dark as I went out the front to view the red sun in a cooler breeze. Opened up some doors & windows but , YEP you guessed it :whistle: got inundated with smoke and the house still reaks now :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Stay safe overnight all the near any danger, as well as over the coming weekend :S


    Adam Rodgers

    Spare a thought for Pikey who was evacuated from Catherine Hill Bay this evening.

    He won’t know how things went till tomorrow.



    Dwayne O

    That fire has moved quick Adam.
    I heard it headed for Catho only an hour ago :whistle:

    Fingers crossed for Pikey and all the Catho residents,,, it is a beautiful litle beach town :unsure:



    Just heard the Catho Pub and the big prawn burnt down this arvo :unsure:

    Hope everyones alright




    What a shit of a day,Started with first call at4.40 ish for fire in port,
    Call from wife 8.00 little dog died.
    next call,fire on medium strip,extinguished call back to morning fire flare up.
    Then called to cresent head multiple houses in extreme danger.
    Called Kram,was good at that stage,plumbing pipes melted on one house.
    Think we saved them all, not sure.

    Heart goes out to any one involved in any of the fires today.
    If you see a firey comeing please move off the road.
    And help out the bush fire brigades when ever you can,these guys do it for free.

    Beautiful storm rolling over here now,hope every one else is getting the rain.



    Catho pub is ok, not completely unscathed and safe but its ok for now. :cheer:


    Different storey for the big prawn :(


    Toes, are you a volunteer firey ????




    No mate,NSW Fire rescue n hazmat.
    Got to get some sleep now.pager is being relentless today.
    get some rest and go back out.
    Wish everyone well,tonight.

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