YES,,, I am alive

This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Snowden 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    Dwayne O

    :laugh: As much as it may pain some on here,,,
    YES, I am still alive & kickin` :P

    Had a call today from an Old Bull Poohbah who thought I had kicked the tin :blink: 😆

    Turns out I have had some illness dramas of late, too damn busy installing a kitchen and stuff for a family love job and had no internet the past 4 & a bit days :pinch: That was the worst, no net sux bat :laugh:

    Only good news is I finally have a new pc (laptop) that is faster than Boony looking for a trailer on a Nundle Ride :P


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Only good news is I finally have a new pc (laptop) that is faster than Boony looking for a trailer on a Nundle Ride :P

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thats gold Eags

    Good to have you back mate. B)



    Richard W

    Sorry, I didn’t notice you gone.
    But I was wondering the other day what happened to Razzle, no login for 6 weeks.


    Dwayne O

    Thanx Dickie ,, I knew you were a caring, sharing kind of bloke :P :laugh:

    Yeah Razz was looking for a new ride (Sherco) wasn`t he ?????



    Hi Eags.
    Where is Raz?

    Oh im still here to


    Dwayne O

    Yeah I knew you were still alive Toes ,,,
    Those text messages (that I promptly DELETE before opening) still keep coming thru :laugh: :laugh: :sick:


    Eags we knew you hadn’t died, it was worse than that you became an adventure rider .

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