Kings Christmas Speech

This topic contains 11 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  glenn 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #103517


    Well it’s that time a year again.

    I would like to wish all the OBTs and there family’s a Merry Christmas and a very happy and safe new year.

    If traveling be careful on the roads.

    Thank you to all the moderators for all their hard work throughout the year keeping it all together, and all the OBTs that contribute to the site.

    As most royals do they give a speech at Christmas, I would like to keep this tradition going, but it well be short and not live due to Budget restraints


    I wish peace in the middle east and be nice to each other and stop throwing rocks.


    I would like to see ADV riders and the single track riders get along, and share all tracks ,next time you see each other shake hands. There is no reason not to get along just because we ride differnt tracks


    Most of all make the best of 2014 enjoy your family and ride as much as you can and enjoy it with your mates, that’s what it’s all about.

    Like this bloke


    I look forward to next year’s rides and catching up with you all at some stage.
    All the best.

    King Strucky



    Thanks King For a truly chrismasy report.
    Gold as always.
    all the best for chrisy and new year.
    we must get a ride happening soon.


    Dwayne O

    Good onya King ;) ;)
    Have a Royal XMAS mate :laugh:



    That’s GOLD King Strucky!! :laugh: :laugh:

    All the best mate ;)

    I think that sheep has a smile on its dial eh!! :huh:




    Peace in the middle east has more chance than eagle and I stopping putting shit on each other, nice try though oh King!


    simon burke

    Nice one King :cheer: :laugh:
    Merry Christmas B)

    Bol :woohoo:


    daniel lewis

    lmfao merry xmas


    Mick D

    Merry Xmas to you too King Strucky!

    PS Nice Alpine Star shirt. I bought one just like it when I was in the States. ;)


    micknmeld wrote:
    PS Nice Alpine Star shirt. I bought one just like it when I was in the States. ;)

    Yeah I got one here exactly the same for driving a taxi once to and from the airport :laugh:




    Bring on the singles.

    Merry Christmas all



    Nice one King Strucky. Merry Christmas to all.
    Cheers, Budge


    Dwayne O
    snowy09 wrote:
    Peace in the middle east has more chance than eagle and I stopping putting shit on each other, nice try though oh King!

    AMEN to that Snowy :P
    Boony more than once said he would NEVER own a KTM though :laugh:

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