XR500R Scrapper or Vinduro

Home Forums For Sale For Sale XR500R Scrapper or Vinduro

This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Steve 9 years, 3 months ago.

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    HI all, Well this was going to be my scrapper for an upcoming ride. Unfortunately work has got in the way of those plans. Its an old 82/83 ? XR500R. I brought it about 12 Months ago from a really old fella that used to run around on the farm with it. He had it stored in his Barn for about 10 years before he decided to sell it. I replaced the fuel and gave it a new spark plug and she fired up 2nd Kick :woohoo: This thing although she doesnt look pretty has got plenty of compression!!. Nice and quite with the period Woolfs slip on exhaust.

    What does she need Ollie ? I hear you say :laugh:
    Not much really.
    1. suspension needs a going over, no rebound on the shock and fork seals leaking
    2.clutch lever and perch
    3.decompression return cable
    4. Front brake lever ( I may have one) seal kit put through the master cylinder.
    5.rear 17″ tyre
    6 Air filter foam element fell apart
    7. rear mudguard and side plastics arnt pretty
    8. Carby strip down and clean (sticky floats)
    9. No indicators or Tail light.
    and that is about it !
    10. A loving home where she can be cared for :laugh:

    I would like to see her go to someone that will use her in the scrap heap adventure or Vinduro so her price is a bargain at $999 ;)

    PM me or call me 0468 394 650






    I have been looking for an 82 but this one is later


    storky wrote:
    I have been looking for an 82 but this one is later

    I think its an 82, just has a disk front brake. The 83’s came out with the newer RFVC head, this is the older version.




    look good mate,you should get it going,and do a ride,great fun

    mate you have not been stowed in a shed.clip looks like you have been locked in the good paddock .

    :) toes


    toes wrote:
    look good mate,you should get it going,and do a ride,great fun

    mate you have not been stowed in a shed.clip looks like you have been locked in the good paddock .

    :) toes

    :laugh: :laugh: Thanks Toes yes mate a very good Paddock :laugh:
    PS I have another scrapper if I need it ;)




    Hey nipples, I rode one of those to 180 ks north west of Bourne on the scrapheap challenge. Had to adjust the chain at gilgandra and that was all it needs. Bloody good on fuel to. Be good to have a twin on this years challenge ride.



    Boony wrote:
    Hey nipples, I rode one of those to 180 ks north west of Bourne on the scrapheap challenge. Had to adjust the chain at gilgandra and that was all it needs. Bloody good on fuel to. Be good to have a twin on this years challenge ride.


    Hey Boonster, That was the intention for me as well. but work has got in the way and I will be bobbing around in the pacific ocean somewhere. You should buy it and start an XR500 collection :laugh:




    Thanks for the offer Ollie. But I will have to decline on this one.

    Good bike for the challenge for anyone keen on doing it this year.

    PS. I think you’re put the decimal point in the wrong spot on the price mate.




    SOLD – Pending Funds transfer




    Saw a Yamy tt 250 today,asking $750,in Wauchope,could have a look if anyone is keen.

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