A wee bit hot

This topic contains 11 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  glenn 11 years, 1 month ago.

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    so who s riding today :ohmy: bugger that 38 degrees here maybe time for a beer and barby – swim whats everyone else up to :side:



    kids are in the pool , was going to singleton MX but luckily had a change of mind , just putting a new set of points ( YES POINTS :huh: ) in the boat and going out skiing this afternoon



    Came back at midday from 4 hour ride …stuffed….. :P
    PS Rad fan does work 😆


    Too hot for me. Hope it cools down by the end of the month ( peg legs birthday weekend ) went out last weekend and 2 hours was enough in the heat, only 60ks.


    craig evans

    did 2hrs yesterday with a mate and I struggled and iv got a 12 yr old who has no fear coming over at 6pm to kick my butt again :pinch: :pinch: man he is quick hang on im just so slowwwww :laugh: :laugh: , but atm im in my recliner watching the super x in the air condictioning with some cold drinks



    That’s what I’m up to now wofie, watching the AMA supercross :) still dusty from the ride 😆


    Yeah, I got talked into a wee ride yesterday, by a mate and his son. Left at 10.30, back by 12.30. Ferkin hot and very dusty, at least where I was, at the back! I was sweating like a pig, on the side of the road, just waiting for them to turn up, let alone at the rock face we had to lift 3 bikes up and over. Heat ok while we were moving tho. Remember – a bad days riding is still better than a good day at work!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Cheers budge



    I went for a 4 to 5 hour ride yesterday and dam it was hot and dusty.



    Had some work at some stables in quirindi today. 7:30 till 1:30 shovelling out stalls for these weird 1horsepower machine things ? Was certainly dusty and hot in them sheds! But riding over too my mates place, jumping in the pool and watching the SX made it worth while!

    Boony wrote:
    I went for a 4 to 5 hour ride yesterday and dam it was hot and dusty.


    How did the new grips go. Did they make the bike faster and easier to ride?



    All good in Newcastle.. The only thing that’s hot down here is me wallet.


    snowy09 wrote:
    Boony wrote:
    I went for a 4 to 5 hour ride yesterday and dam it was hot and dusty.


    How did the new grips go. Did they make the bike faster and easier to ride?

    After a few hiccups they certainly made my riding faster and heaps easier.

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