dr is blowing alot of smoke on start up

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    daniel lewis

    hey guys. I took the top end off the dr650 today it is blowing a lot of smoke on start up. so the head, barrel and piston are out it all looks fine to me apart from some light scratches in the barrel.

    my engineer mate tells me it’s more likely the rings then the valve stem seals. I have ordered the seals and will take the head , barrel and piston into him to have a look at.

    so it looks like new seals and maby new piston.

    only 2 problems on the pull down. ill need a new crank seal (this is very common the net tells me). and more disturbing is the 4 bolts that hold the head on about 1/2 way on each thread looks half striped im not sure I should reuse these. can anyone tell me if that is normal it looks like its the 1st time the head has been off this bike only 30k on the clock.

    ill through some photo’s on soon


    daniel lewis

    it looks a little striped



    after I cleaned it up


    a couple of the barrel looks good to me








    Barrel looks quite glazed look for dust on the in take side
    look for any paste / dust behind the oil ring expander ring
    check the ring clearances on the piston lands


    daniel lewis

    yeah it all looked clean but I do think it has been alittle dusted as I was using a k&n air filter I would not recommend using these as behind the filter there was a little oily dust



    I would get new head bolts and a procycle 790 kit while your there :woohoo:



    Valve guides and valve seals. The engine stopped, oil runs past the seals, down the guides and blows smoke on start up. It’s not rings, it doesn’t blow smoke on acceleration. The valve seals and guides are a common thing with DR 650s from what I have seen and read. Although hard with the pictures that bore looks like it needs some attention. New rings, a head service and new head bolts and happy days.

    Yeah those K&N filters are shit, dusted a bike at the four day in 06 using one of them



    daniel lewis

    yeah I agree TB il see what my engineer says tomorrow. but no more k&n that’s for sure


    daniel lewis

    usi the 790 kit would be stupid im shredding sprockets as it is. its over tuned as it is. I think that’s why im having problems :) but I have been pondering :))


    daniel lewis

    the bike is back together all went well its not that hard of a job id recommend do this your self then paying a mechanic. now to wear the motor in :)


    Dwayne O

    Good work Fuchsy,,
    Nothing like the satisfaction of self conducted maintenance I reckon ;)

    There are obviously some limits to how far you can go with some repairs/rebuilds (dependant on ability and know how) , but full points for getting in and having a go mate B)



    Good on ya Fuckiske, Fuckike, Mother Fucjekise oh whatever your name is :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Well done mate



    daniel lewis

    yeah thanks guys and its fuchsy TB :) . there Is great satisfaction in doing a job like this yourself. it was fun and the money I saved I spent on tools so my work shop is pretty tidy now I can do every thing but crack the case and hopefully ill never have to do that :)

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