Crf 250 being difficult to start

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    Valve clearances are fine so don’t go there.

    But my crf250x is experiencing sporadic starting issues It didn’t want to start first thing and then occasionally thru the day while the rest of the time first push of the button. It’s running great otherwise. I m going to put my old spark plug back in as the it’s the only change recently that matches when it started to play up.

    Any other ideas? Cheers snowy



    Well isn’t this a great chance for some payback on Snowy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Its because it says Honda on the side :P :laugh: :laugh:

    Get a 450 :P :laugh: :laugh:

    Get an ADV bike Snowy :P :laugh: :laugh:

    No moderation needed for this thread, its all in i say :P :P :P :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Dwayne O

    I aint even gonna start then :laugh:

    What about dirt or grit in the starter button ? You do hit the deck a bit too often :P
    Loose connection on starter motor?



    :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

    come on moderators you have to let this one go… :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

    id say buy a sherco but lets not go there today :angry: :angry:

    hope you fix it snowy before the ride down south…. me too for that matter :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:


    No moderating needed I’m not an adventure rider so I won’t cry when someone stirs the pot

    Checked the starter switch its fine despite the effects of too many get offs.

    Just weird how one time it starts straight away then next time it cranks but doesn’t want to start.

    Shame about the sherco Andy. Shit happens


    Ron Birrell

    Hey Snowy. I’ve got the solution in the top drawer of the kitchen cupboard. It’s called a box of matches mate.
    And you know I’ve got experience in this area 2 sets of valves in 500 K’s with a 250X
    But seriously have you had to re-shim the valves at all. If so I would suggest that maybe you should consider taking the top off and have a look at the valves. Also take the air filter out and shine an LED torch down there and see if you can see any dust



    Dwayne O

    And HE reckons the clearances are “FINE” Buzz :whistle:

    The old Kwaka 250 was doing similar and the clearances were ever so slightly out on exhaust side. Still within spec on intake side but would take 4-5 seconds cranking to start when cold, then fine when warmed .

    Check then Snowy if you haven`t already,,, could most likely be the problem afterall mate B)


    It’s all clear. Valves are fine



    Rider error.


    scott frame

    Bloody Hondas… Check it’s 28day lunar cycle or try this :blink: 😆


    snowy09 wrote:
    Valve clearances are fine so don’t go there.

    But my crf250x is experiencing sporadic starting issues It didn’t want to start first thing and then occasionally thru the day while the rest of the time first push of the button. It’s running great otherwise. I m going to put my old spark plug back in as the it’s the only change recently that matches when it started to play up.

    Any other ideas? Cheers snowy

    Have you actually checked the valves? Or had them checked? Don’t assume they are right a Snowy. On the spark plug thing, I had a CR 250 years again that would only run with one spark plug, not one brand, all the same number but it would only run with the same plug :unsure: try the plug if it’s the last thing you did before the problem for sure.

    Try starting it cold in the morning Snowy and get back to us ;)



    On my crf450x the electrics where playing up I found a relay behind the right side cover. I replaced that and all was good. The relay is the same as what you find in VT commodores ( there’s one half stripped on the side of the road on the highway between wallabadah and tamworth, just a heads up if you’re on a budget )


    Nick Jackson

    Sounds electrical mate being so intermittent , have a look for a pinched wire under the seat that may be shorting out when you sit in different positions when starting. I ended up pulling out my complete centre loom and replacing it because of a similar problem. It’s very easy to do and you should have got a spare loom with the bike if that is the issue.



    OK called in Damus the supersweep / mechanic and he said its operator error:

    ie. I made an error in thinking I am a bike mechanic.

    He said he has no idea what I was measuring but the intake valve clearance is bugger all and needs re shimming. He also suggested that the new spark plug i put in must have been second hand. Although on closer examination the new one was actually in the spares box, so not sure what i was doing that day. perhaps I should stick to my day job.

    So to avoid me cocking it up any further when I get the new shims he is going to supervise me putting it back together as apparently he doesnt trust me – no idea why.


    Nick Jackson
    snowy09 wrote:
    OK called in Damus the supersweep / mechanic and he said its operator error:

    ie. I made an error in thinking I am a bike mechanic.

    He said he has no idea what I was measuring but the intake valve clearance is bugger all and needs re shimming. He also suggested that the new spark plug i put in must have been second hand. Although on closer examination the new one was actually in the spares box, so not sure what i was doing that day. perhaps I should stick to my day job.

    So to avoid me cocking it up any further when I get the new shims he is going to supervise me putting it back together as apparently he doesnt trust me – no idea why.

    Glad you worked it out Snowy , how many hours has she done now ?

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