new one well sort of

Home Forums Your Garage new one well sort of

This topic contains 17 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  ian 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    well after looking and looking ive finally made a purchase , i was after a rego d bike for the bush and after looking at the 450s the only one i like is the RMX450(im after a second hand bike) and that bugger aint registered and plus ive been a smoker for the last 3 bikes.
    When i went to the beta day test ride i walked away thinking the 250 2T was the best bike out of the bunch and after having a 2010 ktm 300 and what a good bike it was ive ended up getting another 2010 but this time i got the 250

    its just cracked a 1000 km and is in pretty good nick i pick it up on the weekend



    Nice ;-)



    Good on ya mate, enjoy eh



    Nice one Ian. Bring it up to Strike a light on the 31st Looking forward to having a ride with you again


    Good one Ian. Thought you might have returned to the husky with their 300 smoker. Seem like a nice bike.



    That’s the stuff! Smoke em. Smoke em all!



    no worrys Storky , be good to get back up there but i will be a bit rusty .

    i went with the ktm 250 way Snow because i still have the 12 model 250 sx that iv done a heap of mods to and i can swap things over and plus i just reckon the 250s are a good size

    P.S. That’s the right size in a smoker B)


    Eric Smith

    Looks the goods mate! If I got a 2 banger, it would be a 250, sweet ride in my experience!


    ECKS-Man wrote:
    Looks the goods mate! If I got a 2 banger, it would be a 250, sweet ride in my experience!

    I think so to , just think bigger isnt always better and at 100 kg it will be easy to throw around but a 250 smoker still has a bit of go but a bit easier for it to hook up than the 300 .
    It will be interesting to compare it to the 300 i owned especially being the same year model plus the 2012 250 sx i have has been ported and head mods done to it plus a dicks racing 36-39 mm taper bored with intal jet set up so i can change things over and see how they go, hell can even throw the scotts steering damper on



    i picked it up !


    she is bog stock standard (which isnt a bad thing) hasnt even changed the original jetting so will sus it out through the week

    and i have some stuff from this one to throw on it to :woohoo:
    I must say it seems a smaller bike than the 300 i can easily touch the ground on this one and they reckon theres 3 kg difference to the 300 the 250 comes in at a 100 kg



    Noice B)



    sorting the bike out and since i bought a procircuit pipe and 304 shorty when i got the 250 sx and havent used the standard system at all ive tried it on the EXC and she fits




    Is there a noticeable visual difference between the sx and exc pipes?

    What about the engines?

    I always thought they were basically the same engine, just tune and a few small things were different.

    That The sx was just a stripped down exc?



    there is a visual difference and the actual diameter of the system i.e i cant put the sx pipe to the exc expansion chamber but i was more worried with the year models as they change things.
    the rest of it is pretty much what your saying just diferent compression ratios ,CDI, etc oh and the exc wider ratio gear box




    took it out for its first run today , ive fitted a new chain and sprocket with a 52 rear and the scotts steering damper plus the sx chamber and pipe .
    How did it go ? the fun factor of this bike :woohoo: :woohoo: i s great im glad i went a 250 and not the 300 and it never missed a beat

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