What does it take to find a decent worker?

This topic contains 45 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Snowden 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    Eric Smith

    Had to lay off a young bloke last week. He’s 18 and careless, clueless, uncoordinated, weak, unfit and I just couldn’t take it any more. I admit I’m a perfectionist – have to be in my game.

    Coming to the conclusion that I need a casual offsider who has a brain in his head and enjoys working outside, has enough strength and coordination to knock a peg into the ground, can drive (not uncommon to do a trip to Bourke for a job – and return same day) and can put up with my crap!

    In other words, I’m stuffed!

    Oh well, it’s Friday, beer-o-clock is looming and tomorrow I get to play in a Big Band. smiley-eatdrink004.gif smiley-eatdrink008.gif

    smiley-music039.gif smiley-music021.gif

    (I hate sacking people!)


    Hey Ecks-Man,
    Yeh its not easy mate especially with the young blokes!!
    I always go for the older guys now, 40+ preferably, when i am looking to hire someone.

    No attitude, mortgage to pay, they just want to go to work, do their shit, get paid and go home.
    Too easy!!

    Oh, i agree with you…………. Friday :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    Dwayne O

    I hear ya loud & strong Ecks & TR !!
    I`d work for either of you blokes in a heartbeat, but you both are too far away unfortunately :pinch:

    I`m still on the lookout for a new role (only just started looking seriously this week really) 6 weeks after getting my notice


    I employ people every now and then for our company. There are two types I prefer – the over 35’s for reasons as mentioned by Trailraider and ECKS or young kids straight out of school – no bad habits, no attitude and generally keen. If I have to employ someone in their 20’s or so, I have the mindset that if they stay longer than 2 years, its a bonus. And I am not talking about doing shit work and shit pay. There is no commitment or loyalty left these days. :unsure: I must be getting old :( Cheers budge


    Don’t get me going – Oh! thats right I’m too busy soaking my feet in buckets of champagne from all the money I’m making as an affluent (or should i say effluent) business owner taking advantage of the poor hard done by employee (sorry if this offends anyone that actually respects their job – :pinch: )

    Anyhow – sorry for the rant working 50 days straight has that effect :whistle


    Dave Wiggin

    I could not get reliable, competent good humoured tradesman for love nor money. I tried for months but could not get anyone (that I would employ).

    Had to sponsor from overseas. Didn’t want to. It was expensive and the paperwork was a nightmare.

    Had no choice, business was suffering badly, even though I was doing the work of two blokes on the tools.

    Best thing I ever did.

    The guys I got are hard working, reliable and ridiculously GRATEFUL for the chance I have given them. No attitude, no 15 sick days per year, no taking 4 hours over a job that should take 2. How I was when I came here and worked for my first boss.

    Rant over.



    Eric Smith
    Wigster wrote:
    I could not get reliable, competent good humoured tradesman for love nor money. I tried for months but could not get anyone (that I would employ).

    Had to sponsor from overseas. Didn’t want to. It was expensive and the paperwork was a nightmare.

    Had no choice, business was suffering badly, even though I was doing the work of two blokes on the tools.

    Best thing I ever did.

    The guys I got are hard working, reliable and ridiculously GRATEFUL for the chance I have given them. No attitude, no 15 sick days per year, no taking 4 hours over a job that should take 2. How I was when I came here and worked for my first boss.

    Rant over.


    You’re lucky, surveyors are much harder to find, and imported ones don’t know squat about surveying as it applies in NSW. At this point I think a semi-retired farmer would be ideal for me, looking into that.

    Beers were good, by the way! Band still to come!



    hay wigster sounds like your the one with an attitude figjam for sure maybe no one decent wanted to work for you it can be hard to find a decent boss.imperting tradys should be banded put on an apprentice and train up a local if its that hard.you may have kids what if they want a job one day :S


    white rocket wrote:
    hay wigster sounds like your the one with an attitude figjam for sure maybe no one decent wanted to work for you it can be hard to find a decent boss.imperting tradys should be banded put on an apprentice and train up a local if its that hard.you may have kids what if they want a job one day :S

    I think you are being a bit hard above there Rocket sorry mate.I deal with young people and apprentices from all over Australia daily and on the whole they are f&$ked. Their attitude towards their trade and their job has gone down hill in the last 10years. They carry on about what they are owed, what is in it for them and most wouldn’t know a hard days work if it hit them in the the head. The she will be right attitude and no pride in their work or their trade is wrong so wrong! The way they blame everyone but themselves and won’t take responsibility for anything is shocking. Our apprentice turn over rate has tripled in the last 12 years. I blame parents, the schools etc. I have kids like Wiggy and if my boys don’t do what is expected then I expect them to get the arse! As for the figjam comment I am sorry but I view that as a tradesman that takes pride in his trade and backs what he does. Oh and start me on phones and the likes in the work place!! Have you run a work place, been a boss, employed people, had your house payments on the line weekly? Not that that really matters but does give you a different perspective to think about.

    Btw not all young people are like the above, but sadly more and more are lately. And I am a supporter of the younger people getting into trades because that’s what I did, and it’s a great life choice. That said its saddening to watch most of the time now.



    Nick Jackson

    Living on the north coast means you deal with a real laid back attitude a lot of the time , I agree with Budge that if you employ straight from school , lay down the law and stick to it you can end up with a good tradesman.

    My current employee started with me at 16 as and electrical apprentice and has been with me 10 years this year. I never put up with bullshit from day 1 , smoko is when the job allows and isn’t set to 20 minutes or 1/2 hour lunch. If we’re busy it might be a quick bite if we’re not we might have a surf. We go home when the jobs done and if you wake up with a little headache or sniffle , work it off , it’s not a reason for a day off. And so on …..

    On the flip side I pay what they are worth , in my latest employees case that’s almost double award , it’s the only way to keep a good tradie loyal and keen.

    I have taken on some already ” qualified tradesmen “that have worked for larger contractors and we produce 50% more work a day with a higher quality , I’m not sure why but they start keen then within a few months slack off every chance. It is frustrating and for a small business crippling.

    Good luck Ecks :)



    TrailBoss wrote:
    white rocket wrote:
    hay wigster sounds like your the one with an attitude figjam for sure maybe no one decent wanted to work for you it can be hard to find a decent boss.imperting tradys should be banded put on an apprentice and train up a local if its that hard.you may have kids what if they want a job one day :S

    I think you are being a bit hard above there Rocket sorry mate.I deal with young people and apprentices from all over Australia daily and on the whole they are f&$ked. Their attitude towards their trade and their job has gone down hill in the last 10years. They carry on about what they are owed, what is in it for them and most wouldn’t know a hard days work if it hit them in the the head. The she will be right attitude and no pride in their work or their trade is wrong so wrong! The way they blame everyone but themselves and won’t take responsibility for anything is shocking. Our apprentice turn over rate has tripled in the last 12 years. I blame parents, the schools etc. I have kids like Wiggy and if my boys don’t do what is expected then I expect them to get the arse! As for the figjam comment I am sorry but I view that as a tradesman that takes pride in his trade and backs what he does. Oh and start me on phones and the likes in the work place!! Have you run a work place, been a boss, employed people, had your house payments on the line weekly? Not that that really matters but does give you a different perspective to think about.

    Btw not all young people are like the above, but sadly more and more are lately. And I am a supporter of the younger people getting into trades because that’s what I did, and it’s a great life choice. That said its saddening to watch most of the time now.


    well TB some of us are sick of being bagged out by management computernerds and the media should we just sit down and take it . i notice you work for a large company TB-weekly house payments ?.i have worked with some great tradesman over the years and some apprentices have started out as you say our young people are but most have suprised me and turned out good tradesman .as for figjams fug i can do two days work in one just ask me ?? sorry ecks i reckon it would be a great job being your assistant but don t think the money would support my habits.stuff this i am going riding


    white rocket wrote:
    TrailBoss wrote:
    white rocket wrote:
    hay wigster sounds like your the one with an attitude figjam for sure maybe no one decent wanted to work for you it can be hard to find a decent boss.imperting tradys should be banded put on an apprentice and train up a local if its that hard.you may have kids what if they want a job one day :S

    I think you are being a bit hard above there Rocket sorry mate.I deal with young people and apprentices from all over Australia daily and on the whole they are f&$ked. Their attitude towards their trade and their job has gone down hill in the last 10years. They carry on about what they are owed, what is in it for them and most wouldn’t know a hard days work if it hit them in the the head. The she will be right attitude and no pride in their work or their trade is wrong so wrong! The way they blame everyone but themselves and won’t take responsibility for anything is shocking. Our apprentice turn over rate has tripled in the last 12 years. I blame parents, the schools etc. I have kids like Wiggy and if my boys don’t do what is expected then I expect them to get the arse! As for the figjam comment I am sorry but I view that as a tradesman that takes pride in his trade and backs what he does. Oh and start me on phones and the likes in the work place!! Have you run a work place, been a boss, employed people, had your house payments on the line weekly? Not that that really matters but does give you a different perspective to think about.

    Btw not all young people are like the above, but sadly more and more are lately. And I am a supporter of the younger people getting into trades because that’s what I did, and it’s a great life choice. That said its saddening to watch most of the time now.


    well TB some of us are sick of being bagged out by management computernerds and the media should we just sit down and take it . i notice you work for a large company TB-weekly house payments ?.i have worked with some great tradesman over the years and some apprentices have started out as you say our young people are but most have suprised me and turned out good tradesman .as for figjams fug i can do two days work in one just ask me ?? sorry ecks i reckon it would be a great job being your assistant but don t think the money would support my habits.stuff this i am going riding

    Thanks for your reply rocket. It wasn’t personal at you I just thought you may have been a bit hard at Wiggy. To clear something you wrote up. I do work for a large company now and get paid monthly. I have worked for myself with a staff of two, stopped that because I was costing me to much to employ people. And I do pay my house of like you? I don’t understand that, the company doesn’t give me one :laugh: wish they did. I have also managed and supervised workplaces with up to 40 staff big international companies and mid sized workshops. In that time I never gave a tradesman that did his job a hard time because he did his job, but I did to plenty that didn’t. Sadly our system doesn’t reward often enough those better because of the work place or the people in it. I have also worked with some amazing tradesman in my time, some are here on this site and are legends at their trade because they care about what they do.

    I will add when I ran a large workshop for a well know earth moving machine manufacturer I only started sourcing apprentices from rural NSW like your area Rocket. The country kids seemed better than the city kids which I believe is because of their up bringing and if they came from the land well they were better

    Enjoy your ride



    The good tradesmen, TA’s, contractors or full time blokes, that we have, we look after them. These are the guys who will put in that extra bit when you really need it. Clock watchers (dont get me started :angry: ) REALLY piss me off. Reminds me of one of our senior guys a few years ago who claimed over-time for working thru his smoko. I reminded him that he actually got paid for smoko anyway, and he should organise himself abit better to ensure he took it at a time that suited him. There is no give and take these days. Its all take. Yep, some of the staff use sick leave like it is God given right to have an extra 10 days off a year. Med certs can be purchased easily. Its not fair on their work colleagues either, as they are the ones picking up the slack to get the job done.

    I need another drink…………… :P


    Dave Wiggin
    white rocket wrote:
    hay wigster sounds like your the one with an attitude figjam for sure maybe no one decent wanted to work for you it can be hard to find a decent boss.imperting tradys should be banded put on an apprentice and train up a local if its that hard.you may have kids what if they want a job one day :S

    No attitude here mate, just a bloke with a small business, a mortgage and a family to support.

    Oddly enough, until last year I would have wholeheartedly agreed with you about importing overseas tradesmen and skilled workers. Considering I wasn’t born here I am one of the most patriotic Australians you are ever likely to meet. But let me give you a bit of background….

    I had two excellent tradesmen work for me for over ten years in both cases. I pay well, I worked side by side with them, their hours were eight til four with morning tea and lunch ALWAYS taken (insisted on by me, I like to have a coffee and a decent bite too). They got private use of the company vehicles (brand new Hi Lux’s) with FREE petrol for private use (how much that cost me over the years God only knows).

    Generally speaking four days out of five we would be finished at three ish in the arvo. Did I make them say back until four? Of course I bloody well didn’t. I liked them as blokes and I think they liked and respected me. Both were VERY competent tradesmen. Sounds great don’t it?

    Unfortunately both left within three months of each other. One went interstate and one went back to the Central Coast to start his own business (he is doing really well and still contracts for me two days a week).

    Now the not so good bit.

    For the next six months I had constant ad’s in both digital and print media to try and replace them. I was working 60/70 hours a week on the tools, as well as coping with all the admin after that. I was taking physical risks that I shouldn’t have been (I work with glass). Not complaining, just telling it like it was. You just got to get on with it and hope you don’t lose an arm!

    Over that period I arranged eight interviews. Six people didn’t even turn up.

    Of the two that did, one bloke I found fast asleep in his ute in front of our office at 8am. No problem, perhaps he’s so keen he’s camped out overnight (he hadn’t). At 9am (an hour past the time set for the interview) he was still punching out the zed’s so I tapped on his window and woke him up. Thongs, stubbies and a singlet. I wasn’t expecting a suit and tie but FFS. Anyway, I phoned his old boss who’s number I had found on his hand written CV. And I quote. “I don’t know why he is using me as a reference, I wouldn’t touch him with your dick”. End of quote.

    So, on to number two. Seemed OK, a bit edgy. Only 21 yet had worked for about six different firms since he had finished his trade. Same deal with his old boss (‘s) “cannot take instruction”, “rude to customers”, “threatened other members of staff”, and the clincher “suspected drug issues”.

    I am not making this up by the way.

    I get that good bosses can be hard to find. I should know, I’ve worked for a few pricks in my time.

    But, White Rocket, I’d be interested to know what you would have done in my situation.

    We haven’t met but you ride an off road motorbike and you are an Old Bull, so the chances are very high that you are a top bloke. But you need all the facts at your disposal before you label me as “The Boss from Hell”. MMMMWWWWWWhhhhaaaaaaa




    sounds like you may be a good boss but it did not sound like it in your first post bitching about australians and there rights some of us may be a bit touchy on this subject and over it .its the internet and you just take things on face value.

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