Smally’s Watties Ride

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Dean Small 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    Adam Rodgers

    Well I had some fun today :woohoo:

    Conditions were superb :cheer:

    A tad slippery at times, but that just meant you had to keep on the gas ;)

    We basically rode the same loop we did with the Tamworth crew, added some bits in and left out some others.

    Stuart took the boys down Woose Hill and up Zig Zag, Michael and I took the scenic route as we’re both recovering from colds / flu or what ever this annoying bug is that’s going around :angry:

    Well from where we were waiting it sounded like the boys were having some fun :P

    Stuart was there in about 5 minutes and we waited a while for the rest :whistle:

    I figured if they can do Zig Zag then Mesh Hill should be no problem ;)

    We did all the high singles to Mesh Hill, and the video says it all :huh: if you don’t commit you don’t make it B)

    We then did the all the singles to The Pines and on to Farrells 3. Those that attempted it did well as it was slippery and we even saw Funky and his mate give it a couple of goes. Kudos to Stuart who nailed it first go B)

    After conquering Farrells it was back home via The Pines and singles to Muirs Lookout.

    Travelling along Lemon Tree Rd I noticed fresh tyre tracks from what I thought was an SUV or 4WD ute. To my surprise we came across a 2WD van stuck in a puddle. He wanted us to push him forward as he said there’s no way he could get back the way he came, and I assured him there was no way he would get through further along Lemon Tree as 4WD’s regularly get stuck and he had no chance especially when so wet.

    So back he went for what I guess was going to be an overnight stay for him in the Watties :laugh:

    Thanks Dude for sweeping and congratulations for doing Farrells 3 for the first time B) And thanks Stu for leading the boys on Zig Zag and the fast stuff ;)

    And thanks to the other boys for another enjoyable day out on the bike :cheer:



    Hi Guy’s
    Big thanks to Adam for posting up the ride, Dude for sweep and the rest of you for six hrs of fun and laughs.
    Cheers Michael











    Dudes view B)

    Awesome day. :cheer: :P
    going down woose hill. :ohmy:
    mesh hillP6130016_zps222dbcc6.jpgP6130029_zpsd5dc5d3f.jpghighlights were zig zag and nailing mesh hill and doing Farrels 3 hill for the fist time. :cheer:
    How good was that…. very is the answer. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    thanks …..had fun :)



    Awesome day B)
    Great group of guys and very enjoyable out in the sticks.
    Thanks for organising Adam and thanks to the Dude for sweep.


    Nice photos, looks like a good loop, was great conditions.


    Dean Small

    Awesome day fellas !!!!
    Me and my mates loved the ride and looks like they’ll be a couple of new members to OBT
    Massive thanks to Adam for organizing the day and to Dude for sweeping and stuart for setting the pace in a few sections . :woohoo:
    Cant wait to get back to the watties :silly:


    Nick Jackson

    Looks like a great ride , enjoyed the vids !! That rocky section looked tricky :woohoo:




    Great report Adam

    The vid and photos look good , luv the rocky step ups


    King Strucky



    Good on yu Adam,Came through for the O B’s once again with a great ride,by all accounts B)

    Chees Teza. :)


    Dean Small

    Party time !!!!!!!!!!


    Dean Small

    Jersey party

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